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Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers

Bryan Mark Rigg, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military, University Press of Kansas, ISBN: 0700611789, 528 pp., $29.95 On December 2, 1996, The Daily Telegraph reported briefly about a research work by the American Bryan M. Rigg about “Jews in Wehrmacht Uniform”…

Poison Gas “Über Alles”

Twenty years ago I had the good fortune to spend many hours with Austin J. App who was one of the first Holocaust revisionists and an American of German descent. Almost as soon as the war had ended, he had begun to speak out and write against the anti-German atrocity claims. He admitted to me…

Van Pelt’s Plea against Sound Reasoning

Robert Jan van Pelt, The Case for Auschwitz. Evidence from the Irving Trial, Indiana University Press, Bloomington/Indianapolis 2002, 464 pp., $45.-. Introduction I bought the Van Pelt book because of my interest in the drawings and details of the alleged triple-mesh columns axonometrically reconstructed on pages 194-208, planning to focus on these in order to…

Was the Me262 the First Airplane to Break the Sound Barrier?

Was the German jet interceptor Messerschmidt 262 the first airplane in the world to break the sound barrier? The answer to this question is shaking up the aeronautical world, because it could easily knock several shining heroes of the US Air Force from their pedestals. As far as official historians are concerned, Charles Yeager was…

Special Treatment in Auschwitz

Item Properties Published by: Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers ISBN: 978-1-59148-142-3 Pages: 174 Edition No.: 2, corrected and updated Release Date: 7/2016 Illustrations: 37 b+w Features: Index, Bibliography Appearing in German wartime documents in the context of the “Holocaust,” terms like “special treatment,” “special action,” and others have usually been interpreted as code words that signify…

Auschwitz: Crematorium I

The morgue of the old crematorium in the Auschwitz concentration camp is said to have been the first location where mass gassings of Jews occurred over an extended period of time. In this study, Italian scholar Carlo Mattogno analyzes the most important witness testimonies and juxtaposes them with original German wartime documents as well as…

Auschwitz Lies

Untruths and propaganda abound when it comes to the WWII German labor camp near the Polish town Auschwitz. Here are just a few: French biochemist G.Wellers claimed he exposed The Leuchter Report as fallacious, but in truth he exposed only his own grotesque incompetence; Polish researcher Prof. J. Markiewicz said he proved that Zyklon B…

Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations

In spring and summer of 1944, 400,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz and allegedly murdered there in gas chambers. The Auschwitz crematoria are said to have been unable to cope with so many corpses. Therefore, every single day thousands of corpses are claimed to have been incinerated on huge pyres lit in deep trenches….

Auschwitz: Plain Facts

With two major works on the Auschwitz concentration camp, French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac tried to refute revisionists with their own technical methods. Whereas his first work remained rather obscured, Pressac's second book on The Technique of Mass Murder was praised by the mainstream in Europe, and they proclaimed victory over the revisionists. But they did…

Auschwitz: The First Gassing

Mainstream historians claim that the very first gassing of 850 human beings at Auschwitz occurred on Sept. 3, 1941, in the basement of building no. 11 of the Auschwitz main camp. It is supposed to have lasted 15 hours, followed by another two days of ventilation and removal of the corpses. But when analyzing all…

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