Year: 2012

Bergen-Belsen Camp: The suppressed story

Fifty years ago, on April 15, 1945, British troops liberated the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. The anniversary was widely remembered in official ceremonies and in newspaper articles that, as the following essay shows, distort the camp’s true history. Largely because of the circumstances of its liberation, the relatively unimportant German concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen has become…

Encyclopedic Work on Zündel “Holocaust Trial” an “Absolute Necessity'

Did Six Million Really Die?: Report of the Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, 1988. Compiled and edited by Barbara Kulaszka. Foreword by Dr. Robert Faurisson. '!bronto: Samisdat, 1992. Softcover. Large format. 572 pages. Illustrations. Index. (Available from the IHR for $50.00, plus $2.75 shipping.) Charles E. Weber received a doctorate…

'Long May the Battle Flag Wave'

Thomas DiLorenzo is professor of economics at Loyola College in Baltimore, and an adjunct scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute (Auburn, Ala. 36849-5301). This essay is reprinted from the October 1994 issue of The Free Market, a monthly newsletter published by the Mises Institute. The NAACP is threatening to boycott South Carolina businesses unless…

Three Jewish Views

'Disease' of 'Holocaust Teaching' … I find something obscene and irrelevant about the widespread concern in Jewish and friendly Christian educational circles with “Teaching the Holocaust.” There is no need to teach the Holocaust; humanity already knows only too well how to do it. One of the most ghoulish “Teaching the Holocaust” devices I have…


Faurisson Comments on Irving, Goebbels and Pressac In the Jan-Feb. 1995 Journal (p. 15), David Irving quotes, as he does in his book Hitler's War, a handwritten note of Heinrich Himmler, dated Nov. 30, 1941, to Reinhard Heydrich. It reads: “Jew transport from Berlin. No liquidation.” This might induce some readers to think that this…

'Irrefutable Response” Falls Flat

'The Good Old Days': The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders. Ernst Klee, Willi Dressen and Volker Riess, editors. Translated from the German by Deborah Burnstone. Foreword by Hugh Trevor-Roper. New York: Free Press, 1991. Hardcover. 334 pages. Photographs. Source references. Biographical appendix. Index. ISBN: 0 02 9174252 John Weir is a computer…

Lucid, Comprehensive Work Details Early Zionist Efforts to Seize Palestine

Patrick O'Reilly is the pen name of a Indiana writer who makes his living in the insurance business. Born in 1954, he has earned a B.A. degree in communications and public policy from the University of California-Berkeley. This remarkable book tells, truthfully and in detail, the story of the early stages of the Zionist colonization…

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