Year: 2012

Outlaw History #15

Daniel Pipes is the founder and director of the Middle East Forum and its rollicking child, Campus Watch. He works tirelessly to save America and its students from being overwhelmed by Muslim fanatics. He is a towering intellectual, as those things go, and is a dedicated Israeli-Firster. The Mission Statement of Campus Watch reads: “Campus…

Outlaw History #16

A student at Brigham Young University writes to say that she is doing a paper on how the international attention given to Holocaust denial via the Internet and the press is affecting the way people think. I answer that I think we need to clear up a language issue first. When I am asked about…

Outlaw History #17

Early this morning I received a call from a student at U Minnesota saying that she is working on a “profile” of Stephen Feinstein, Director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS), at the College of Liberal Arts. The student wanted my perspective on Professor Feinstein. While the young lady sounded like a…

Outlaw History #18

Secretary General Kofi Annan has begun to poll U.N. General Assembly members in an effort to convene a special commemorative session to mark the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Nazi concentration camps. It just never ends. We are reminded that Soviet Red Army troops freed the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland on January 27,…

Outlaw History #19

I found myself sitting on the couch at my sister Nora's house nursing a whiskey and waiting patiently while she finished some domestic preparations for the holidays. When she was finished she sauntered into the room with an expression both pleased and relieved. “Well, that's that for another year! All ready at last. Now even…

Outlaw History #20

[This letter was mailed via USPO to subscribers to Smith's Report in December 2004.] Dear Friend: With this season twenty-five Christmases will have come gone since that September evening when I first read Robert Faurisson's essay on “The Problem of the Gas Chambers, or the Rumor of Auschwitz.” Twenty-five Christmases! A lot of water has…

Smith’s Report, no. 6, August 1991

Greetings: In this issue of Smith's I have news about the American Jewish Committee, a new publication for Talk Media professionals, how Holocaust Revisionism has begun to stir up interest in the alternative press and the latest on the Campus Project at Northwestern. A Valuable New Publication I first heard about Talkers: The Newspaper for…

Smith’s Report, no. 7, October 1991

Greetings: Here's news about the new and potentially very important Video Project; an update on the affair at TALKERS: The National Newspaper of Talk Media; more on how Revisionism is entering the counter culture through “alternative” publishing; the National Association of Campus Activities; mail from readers; the issue of thought police in Revisionist circles; publishing…

Outlaw History #7

Dear Bradley: I just went on your web site and read newsletter no. 2 (9/29/04). I enjoyed it and it made some effective points, but it also raised in my mind the following caution: any discussion of “terrorism” is apt to get out of focus by sliding away from a clear definition of the word….

Outlaw History #8

Fallujah is a city of some 300,000 people. I hear via CNN that it is thought that about one third of the population is still in the city, or about 100,000 souls. It is estimated that the insurgents number maybe 3,000. The “insurgents” live and work among the people of Fallujah, ensuring that, as the…

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