Year: 2012

The New Zealand Saga Continues

In issue No. 2/2003 of The Revisionist (pp. 197-202), Dr. Fredrick Töben reported on the case of Joel S.A. Hayward, who in 1993 had completed a master's thesis at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, on revisionist writings about the alleged extermination of European Jews by National Socialist Germany. Because Hayward not only…

Nazi Shrunken Heads

  A person's high regard for the Nuremberg Trial tends to be taken down a peg or two upon learning that the American prosecution team offered a shrunken head into evidence, blaming the Nazis for what obviously came from a South American rain forest tribe many years prior. Toward the end or World War II,…

False Memory Everywhere – Except in Modern History

There is currently no topic of human history that is treated more emotionally and one-sidedly in public than the Holocaust. It represents the central taboo of western civilization, and to question it is the epitome of heresy, punishable by imprisonment in many western 'democracies.' Given this state of affairs, the expert on the evaluation of…

False Witnesses

The world of medical science has produced another stunning book about the phenomenon first identified as “Holocaust Survivor Syndrome” – the manner in which groups of people genuinely and honestly come to believe over the years that they have witnessed episodes which are, in fact, largely products of trauma and fantasy: Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Loftus,…

Forced Confessions

The series of articles in this issue of The Revisionist addresses the question how it could be explained that many witnesses to the so-called 'Holocaust' testified about events that did not take place in the way described or not at all. From a psychological standpoint of trying to make the revisionist position understandable to Johnny…

Letter to the Editor

Working V1 Rocket Engine of Survival Research Laboratories (SRL), San Francisco Re.: G. Rudolf, “The Moon Landing: Fact or Fiction,” TR, 1(1) (2003), pp. 75-81. Dear Editor: In The Revisionist #1 you have an article which includes a tidbit about V1 rockets: “Mockup of a German WWII V1 Rocket at the Space and Rocket Museum…

Scientists at Work

Since end 1994, reports were published in the media that Steven Spielberg has launched a project to archive the testimony of “Holocaust survivors” (cf. Newsweek, Nov. 21, 1994 (right); Stuttgarter Zeitung, Dec. 28, 1994; New York Times, Jan. 7, 1996; Geschichte mit Pfiff, 11/1996, p. 37; Welt am Sonntag, Nov. 17, 1996). Apart from Spielberg,…

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