Year: 2012

Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler’s Third Race

Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler's Third Race by Alan Abrams. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1985, 261pp, ISBN 0-8184-0364-0. This book may have the most ironic title of any work dealing with the Jews of Europe in the 1930's and 40's. Its author, Alan Abrams, is a convinced Exterminationist, but the “special treatment” he…

Stalin’s War

Stalin's War: A Radical New Theory of the Origins of the Second World War, by Ernst Topitsch. Translated by A. and B.E. Taylor. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987, 160 pages, $19.95, ISBN: 0-312-0989-5. Can there be any real doubt who was the prime mover in the tumultuous events of 1933-1945? From the vast majority…

The Great Brown Scare

A note on the title: Liberal-Establishment historians have an all too effective propaganda device to promote approved ideologies. They invent labels which, in due course, are thoughtlessly parroted and tend to set the desired concepts in concrete, obviating any further need for argument. Thus the raids carried out by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer on…

The Legionary Movement in Romania

It is the authors' observation that most people make the mistake of not considering socio-political phenomena in their natural context in order to discover the legitimate causes, the true sense of their development, and especially their importance in the environment which fostered them. Carried away by the passion of political convictions or by the hope…

The Müller Document

Dr. Faurisson wrote the first part of this article as a challenge to the Exterminationist scholars who participated in a colloquium at the Sorbonne which took place from December 11 to December 13, 1987. The colloquium had been summoned by Alain Devaquet, France's former minister of research and higher education, in an attempt to counter…

The Origins of the Second World War

I. Historical Development from the Nineteenth Century to the First World War In 1955, the Indian diplomat and historian K. M. Panikkar, a longtime friend and collaborator of Pandit Nehru, the Indian prime minister, published a book entitled Asia and Western Dominance 1498-1945. He shows Western dominance of Asia as beginning with the Portuguese Vasco…

The Persecution of P. G. Wodehouse

The noted Anglo-American humorist Pelham Grenville Wodehouse (1881-1975) led, up to 1940, a life which was professionally very active and successful, but devoid of striking or soul-shaking experiences.[1] In that year, however, there occurred an event which changed the course of his life very drastically for the next six years, and cast a lasting, though…

The Politics of Hunger: The Allied Blockade of Germany, 1915-1919

The Politics of Hunger: The Allied Blockade of Germany, 1915-1919. By C. Paul Vincent. Ohio University Press, Athens (Ohio) and London, 1985; pp. viii, 191. When did the First World War end? Yes, that is a "catch-question." Virtually everybody will reply "November 1918;" but, in so doing, they will be wrong. That was the date…

The Siege of South Africa

The main argument which I seek to establish in this paper falls into three parts and can be summarized as follows: The history of South Africa, since shortly before the beginning of the Anglo-Boer War in 1899, epitomizes the history of the world over the same period. The world revolutionary movement which was to precipitate…

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