Year: 2012

The Sleight-of-Hand of Simon Wiesenthal: “Falso in Uno, Falso in Omnibus”

For many years Simon Wiesenthal has made a highly successful career for himself as the world’s foremost “Nazi hunter.” The American mass media have elevated him to secular sainthood and the U.S. Congress awarded him a special gold medal. In reality Wiesenthal is a proven liar. The most infamous example was his charge that an…

The Psychology and Epistemology of “Holocaust” Newspeak

“Holocaust” is a Newspeak word whose exact definition exists, in the society of the spectacle, as a bundleof images. It is recognized on the visceral rather than the rational plane by its targeted audience. It does not exist in the public mind as a specific event, but as a command phrase summoning a sensory overload…

The Periodic Table

The Periodic Table by Primo Levi, Translated from the Italian by Raymond Rosenthal. New York: Schocken Books, 1984, 233pp, ISBN 0-8052-3929-4. In the deluge of printed matter which competes today for our time and attention as well as our dollars, one is required to use all the selective skills at his disposal to discriminate and…

The Might That Was Assyria

The Might That Was Assyria by H.W.F. Saggs. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, with maps, photographs, index, xii + 340 pp. 1984, ISBN 0-283-98961 (hardcover), 0-283-98962 (paperback), (available in the United States through the History Book Club). For approximately two-and-a-half centuries, the Assyrian empire exerted tremendous influence upon developments in what biblical accounts called the “land…

The ‘Holocaust’ and the Failure of Allied and Jewish Responses

Over the past several years, there has emerged with increasing frequency the charge that because it failed to bomb the Germans’ concentration camps, the United States bears a significant share of the blame for the Holocaust. There are even those who insist that American officials were well aware of Hitler’s crimes during World War Two,…

'The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry’: An Exchange

Editor’s Note: Earlier this year Mr. John Bennett, head of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, sent a copy of Walter N. Sanning’s 1983 book The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry to Dr. W. D. Rubinstein of the School of Social Sciences at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia. Professor Rubinstein has been a leading Australian critic of…

The Discovery of Insulin

The Priority of N.C. Paulescu in the Discovery of Insulin by Ion Pavel. Bucharest: Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, 1976, 251pp, 13.50 Lei. No award is more highly regarded around the world than the Nobel Prize. It is the most coveted recognition of exceptional achievement in the major fields of human endeavor. Despite…

The ‘Atlantic Charter’ Smokescreen: History as a Press Release

“Good words are a mask for evil deeds.”– attributed to Joseph Stalin During both the First and Second World Wars, the nations warring against Germany and her allies portrayed their fight as a “world war for humanity.” Despite the opening of hitherto closed government archives and the testimony of political participants, the general public, with…

Historical Revisionism and the Legacy of George Orwell

During the Second World War, George Orwell wrote a weekly radio political commentary, designed to counter German and Japanese propaganda in India, that was broadcast over the BBC overseas service. His wartime work for the BBC was a major inspiration for his monumental novel, 1984. Very few readers of 1984 know, for example, that Orwell's…

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