Year: 2012

A Note from the Editor

Well, what does one say on assuming the editorship of The Journal of Historical Review? “Hello,” I suppose. I know these are some pretty big boots to fill, especially with the violent cross-fire and all. But the fruits of Revisionism, in my view, are just too valuable to take lightly. We can certainly use a…

A Note From The Editor

One of the first, most predictable reactions to be counted on by revisionist historians of World War II and of National Socialist Germany as they regale the uninitiated with their views is: “But what about the trials – Nuremberg, and the others? Have they not left a record of ample proof of German crime and…

A Memoir of Globaloney, Orwellianism and Dead Sea Fruit

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: A Critical Examination of the Foreign Policy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Its Aftermath. Edited by Harry Elmer Barnes, with the collaboration of William Henry Chamberlin, Percy L. Greaves, Jr., George A. Lundberg, George Morgenstern, William L. Neumann, Frederic R. Sanborn, and Charles Callan Tansill. Second, expanded edition, Torrance, California:…

A Note From The Editor

With the recent (second) fire-bombing of the IHR offices, one could say that this – our first 128 page Journal of Historical Review – has been launched with a real bang! Our gain is substantial and lasting. That of the “Jewish Defenders” was but a moment of typical destructive glee. How invidious the minds must…

Zyklon B, Auschwitz, and the Trial of Dr. Bruno Tesch

We still have judgement here, that we but teach Bloody instructions, which being taught return To plague thinventor. This even handed justice Commends thingredience of our poison'd chalice To our own lips.—Shakespeare, Macbeth The Prelude to "Justice" Toward the end of World War II, the designated legal representatives of the United Nations,[1] meeting in London…

Zionism & American Jews

It had been a nasty, rainy night when an elderly, affluent Hartford couple made their way from their home to a meeting. As their car slowly turned left at the entrance to the Jewish Community Center, another automobile raced out of the fog and rammed into them. My cousin, whose countless civil and philanthropic deeds…

Yehuda Bauer and the “Polemical and Apologetic Bias” of Jewish Historiography

A History of the Holocaust by Yehuda Bauer. New York: Franklin Watts, 1982, 398pp, $15.95, ISBN 0-531-098621 Hannah Arendt once pointed out the “strong polemical and apologetic bias” of Jewish historiography. Yehuda Bauer is Professor of Holocaust Studies at Jerusalem's Hebrew University. And, according to Dr. Franklin H. Littell, Bauer is “one of the world's…

Yalta: Fact or Fate? A Brief Characterization

President François Mitterand of France, in a message at the start of 1982, rightly and roundly condemned the Conference of Yalta. France, excluded from the tete-a-tete of the Big Three World Conquerors on 4-12 February 1945, thus once again has challenged the Western nations not to recognize the judgments and the boundaries there agreed upon…

Witness to the Holocaust

Witness to the Holocaust, by Azriel Eisenberg, The Pilgrim Press, 649pp, $17.95, ISBN 0-8298-0432-3 Witness to the Holocaust is a collection of “eyewitness accounts of a brutal period in history,” compiled and edited by Dr. Azriel Eisenberg, “a leading Jewish scholar,” who has provided introductions to each of the 27 chapters and to many of…

Where Was General Marshall?

We have been solemnly assured even in our own day that gossip is part of history.[*] We find it from Thucydides to Tacitus; Suetonius' History of the Twelve Caesars is liberally seasoned with gossip. And some of the most graceful and elegant gossip ever committed to posterity is to be found in Plutarch. Apparently it…

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