Year: 2012

Irving Censorship Furor

Cowed by a furious campaign organized by Jewish censorship groups, St. Martin's Press has knuckled under and canceled publication of David Irving's Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich. Ironically, CODOH's Website, by posting Irving's introduction to the biography, played a key role in alerting the censors to the planned book. No comfort for the censors…

Lipstadt Unleashed Against CODOH,

Last month's issue of SR reported on the mobilization of Hillel, the national Jewish organization for students, and the Anti-Defamation League, America's most successful censorship organ, against the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust’s latest campus campaign, which has succeeded in alerting hundreds of thousands of college students and professors to the abundance of…

New Campus Project Blitzkrieg

It’s never been more apparent. Something very deep is shifting in the way campus newspapers are reacting to the Campus Project. In campus editorial rooms there remains much of the old public hostility and unwillingness to face revisionist theory generally. But behind the scenes, a sea change appears to be welling through the psyches, the…

Revisionism’s Inroads Shock the Lobby

A syndicated newspaper advice columnist counsels a college couple quarreling over whether CODOlfs $50,000 Reward Offer should have run in the student newspaper they edit and write for. The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith confers a new award on college journalists for opposing “Holocaust denial” on campus and on the Internet. A top UN human…

Smith’s Report no. 10, July 1992

Friend The Campus Project has been successful beyond anything we have done before. Holocaust revisionism has become a presence on dozens of university campuses. Seventeen student newspapers at major universities have published full page CODOH ads about revisionism. Papers that refuse to run the ads print editorials, interviews and columns explaining why. I have given…

Softening ’Em Up

Listening to Bennett, I gave myself a pat on the back. In November I'd mailed a review copy of our video, “David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper,” to the editors of 460 college newspapers. Not to those we've sent stuff to before, but 460 editors who have never before received anything whatever from CODOH. A…

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