Month: September 2015

The Campus Project

After bemoaning the fact that the Campus Project had been undercut irreversibly for the 1994 / 1995 school year, toward the end of March I received some unexpected funding for it. I suggested as much in the letter for April that you should have received. It was very late in the season, but we managed…


Friend: I know! I killed Smith’s Report two months ago! So what’s this? After I killed SR, I said I was going to keep you informed monthly of what’s going on here. If I’m going to write you monthly, what am I going to call the letter I write? I’ve got to call it something….

Henri Roques answers David Cole

Henri ROQUES 90, rue Moslard 92700 COLOMBES 12 February, 1995 FAX to Bradley SMITHC/o I.H.R. FOR PUBLICATION Dear Mr Smith, I read «Another David Cole Adventure in Europe» and also noticed your advertisement: “NEW. David Cole tells it all to you about his eventful October 1994 trip to Europe in search of the physical evidence…

Unfinished Business

Re two unfinished items from Smith's Report: Robert Faurisson has decided to not reply, for the time being in any event, to David Cole's elaborate response to Faurisson's brief letter regarding the necessity for further discussion of the Struthof “gas chamber,” both of which I ran in SR21. At the same time, I was to…


Friend: Sometimes you have to pause, or even take a step backward, reassess the work you've been doing, then take another run at it from a new angle. This letter, then, will inform you how it came about that I decided to kill Smith's Report (SR) and what's on the burner for the immediate future….


The below notice was false news, as this website amply proves. But… since we post it all, here it is. Webmaster This is the final edition of Smith’s Report. I’m not going away. Those of you who have supported my work over the years, as well as those who have begun to contribute recently, will…

Spiegelmaus artist retires from SR

The very professional artist who has been drawing the Spiegelmaus cartoons has decided, for reasons of health, to stop drawing them. The artist says that the stress of working with the material inflames the lining of his stomach. I know the feeling. If any of you knows someone who knows someone who might be interested…

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