Month: October 2015

Faurisson Trial Suspended

Yet another in the interminable round of prosecutions of Professor Robert Faurisson was suddenly halted on November 15 when Faurisson and his attorney, Eric Delcroix, challenged the constitutionality of France's repressive Loi Gayssot, which makes it a crime to dispute the historicity of the Nazi Holocaust. In an appeal that will be considered by France's…


Willis Carto The story on page one about the Carto-IHR stand-off in the Vista courtroom is hard news. There’s another side to the story that I suppose we can call soft news. The first week in November I had some business to take care of in Southern California and the next day, Tuesday the 5th,…

Revisionism to the World!

Following is a partial list of the revisionist materials posted on CODOHWeb over the last 30 days, as well as a couple which were published earlier and have been of exceptional interest. If you’re on-line, you can download them at no cost. If you are not on-line, we make print-outs of every Web article, column…

Correspondence. Correction

Correspondence. I have a pile of correspondence to attend to that's about a foot high. The truth of the matter is that, while I want to hear from you, and while I read every letter that crosses my desk, I am unable to answer your letters unless they pertain to business of the utmost importance…

Revisionist Assault from the Air on Birkenau and Other Camps!

(Widmann studied English and Statistics at major American universities. He is an occasional contributor to Smith's Report and is currently co-Webmaster of CODOHWeb.) A major event for revisionism in the world of the Internet occurred in October. John Ball, author of Air Photo Evidence and The Ball Report, has brought photographic documentation which destroys various…

Roger Garaudy and Abbé Pierre Take a Few “Steps Back”

SR’s October issue is excellent. Unfortunately, as for the good article on Garaudy and Abbé Pierre, some rectifications are necessary. The two men recanted more or less. The book that Garaudy sells now as a “Samizdat” is different from the first edition which was published by Pierre Guillaume and which caused such a hullabaloo. Although…

CODOH Friends Bring Revisionism to Pages of Prominent D.C. Mideast Journal

While French intellectual Roger Garaudy was bringing the case for Holocaust revisionism to Arab audiences, American revisionists—with supporters and friends of the Committee on Open Debate of the Holocaust in the lead—have been debunking the Holocaust myth in the pages of a leading proponent of an even-handed U.S. policy in the Middle East. The Washington…

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