After 70 Years, Archeologists Start Looking for Holocaust Evidence
After 70 Years, Archeologists Start Looking for Holocaust Evidence2012-01-21Santiago Alvarez
"Mass Graves at Nazi Death Camp Treblinka Prove Holocaust Deniers Wrong"
This was the title of an article in the British local newspaper The Huffington Post of Jan 16, 2012. It reported about the forensic research conducted on the territory of the former German wartime camp Treblinka (Poland) under the supervision of Caroline Sturdy Colls, a Forensic Archaeologist at the University of Birmingham, England.

Caroline Sturdy Colls
Two years ago Mrs. Sturdy Colls had announce publicly that she would try to find evidence of the Treblinka mass graves, where the bodies of at least 700,000 murdered Jews are said to have been buried in the second half of 1942. Sturdy Colls stated:
“It's hard to believe that there has been no systematic search for the six million victims who perished in the Holocaust. 800,000 people were murdered here at Treblinka and their bodies were never found. It's time we started looking.”
Revisionists do of course agree with the last statement, although they have some qualms with the rest, as revisionist scholar Thomas Kues has pointed out. Already in late 1999, the Australian engineer Richard Krege conducted forensic research by using ground-penetrating radar in an attempt to locate the claimed mass graves. His preliminary paper has only been published in German and French, but as far as we know, Krege never published a final, more thorough report about his findings. (A video clip about his work is available at YouTube, although it doesn't show much.) He did present some of his research results at a revisionist conference held in Tehran in late 2006, but Krege's paper was not published after this event either (see also this radio interview, (part 2)).

For details about the alleged
extermination camp
at Treblinka see:
J. Graf, C. Mattogno:
Treblinka: Transit Camp
or Extermination Camp?
Astonishingly, Krege claims to have found no ground disturbances at all on the territory of the former Treblinka camp, although quite a few trenches were dug in this area during a forensic investigation conducted by the Polish authorities right after the war. So if Krege's method had been sound, he should have at least found those disturbances. In addition, those Polish investigators did indeed find traces of mass graves, although the size of their find did not match the gargantuan claims made about Treblinka.
That these claims are technically impossible and unsupported by the available physical eviedence, has been conclusively proven by Carlo Mattogno and Jürgen Graf in their thoroughly researched book on Treblinka (see the cover image at the right). This book also contains a partial translation of the report prepared by the above-mentioned Polish investigators about their 1945 excavations (pp. 83-89).
All things considered, it cannot surprise that Krege's ground-penetrating research might not have been all that penetrating after all and that he has therefore been attacked by the orthodoxy.
Although Mrs. Sturdy Colls did not expressly refer to Krege's research, it may be assumed that it did trigger Sturdy Colls' curiosity and maybe even her ire. Sturdy Colls did present some of her own research results in a paper entitled "Archaeological Approaches to Holocaust Landscapes" during a 2011 conference in Germany, of which at the moment only a nondescript abstract is available.
Let us now look into the few scraps of information which Mrs. Sturdy Colls released to the public in her interview granted to The Huffington Post:
Regarding the mass graves which Mrs. Sturdy Colls claims to have found, she stated:
“These are considerable in size, and very deep, one in particular is 26 by 17 metres [442 sq.m.]”
This probably denotes the surface area of a particularly large area of disturbed soil. Of course, all she can say from ground-penetrating radar data is that this is an area which has been disturbed. Whether it was a grave, or a result of post-war digging activities, would have to be found out by excavations.
If we assume that the soil disturbance found by Mrs. Sturdy Colls was indeed a mass grave in its entirety and had a depth of 6 m (as claimed for instance by witness E. Rosenberg), this would result in a volume of some 2,600 cubic meters. Yet if we follow the orthodox version, a least 700,000 Jews were buried in that camp until the end of 1942 alone. Assuming a realistic density of some six corpses per cubic meter, this would result in the need for a cumulative mass grave volume of some 117,000 cubic meters.
Hence Mrs. Sturdy Colls should not have found one particularly large soil disturbance of some 2,600 cubic meters (and probably many more smaller ones), but at least 45 of such large soil disturbances. After all, revisionists do not challenge the fact that mass graves do exist in the area of that camp. They merely challenge the humongous, technically impossible order of magnitude as claimed by the orthodoxy.
A more thorough critique of what Mrs. Sturdy Colls found and, more importantly, how she interprets it, will have to wait until she will have published the results of her research. We all can rest assured that our revisionist experts will eagerly read and scrutinze her upcoming paper.
So stay tuned!
Bibliographic information about this document: Originally published on the Blog of The Barnes Review, but now apparently removed
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a