Author: Bradley R. Smith

Bradley R. Smith was born in Los Angeles on February 18, 1930. At 18 he joined the army and in 1951 served with the infantry in Korea where he was twice wounded. After three decades of a variety of professional activities, it suddenly hit him: In 1979 he read a leaflet by Professor Robert Faurisson, "The Problem of the Gas Chambers." Then, Arthur Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century did it for him. He understood from the beginning that he would address the censorship, the suppression of independent thought, the taboo against publishing and debating revisionist arguments—not the arguments themselves. That has remained his position. In 1989 Smith founded Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) dedicated to defending free speech and free inquiry into the Holocaust question. He handed over CODOH's helm in late 2014, but keeps contributing.

Read more about him here.

Phil Donahue Show

Bradley Smith Interview, Dec. 19, 2015

Jim Rizoli, for the League of Extraordinary Revisionists, interviews Bradley R. Smith, his 5th interview in the series.


Spiegelmice at Berkeley

“…faculty members at the University of California at Berkeley have sent incoming freshmen a list of 10 suggested books they might dip into this summer. “The Eclectic list—defended by organizers as an attempt to get students to think as they enter the world of serious scholarship—was assailed as manipulation to enforce political correctness and extremist…

Hans Schmidt in Jail

Schmidt, founder of the German American Political Action Committee (GANPAC), is in the slammer in Schwerin, Germany. He wrote an open letter regarding the “New [right wing] Terror” and posted it to the wrong person in the wrong country. The following information is taken from the Zuendel Website, This site will most likely be…

Women on the Web

(From The Chronicle of Higher Education, 4 August 1995.) The World-Wide Web is attracting more women and people without technical backgrounds to the Internet. Those are among the conclusions of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, who conducted a survey of about 13,000 Web users this spring. Georgia Tech researchers… found that 15.5 per…

The Campus Project

Early in the month I signed up temporarily with America On Line (AOL) so I could access the Internet (the “Net”) and browse around through the World Wide Web (the “Web”), which is where I will set up the permanent CODOH Website. There were installation problems I could not solve so I had to call…


Friend: This month we saw Magaly, our 23-year-old, off to San Diego State University. Without the left-wing policies of the State and Federal governments, which include student loans, scholarships and other help, she wouldn’t have made it. Her step-father, an otherwise admirable fellow, had 22 years to prepare for this event but he chose all…


I read everything sent me but regretfully can not reply to that which is not of great immediate importance. All correspondence received is considered public domain unless specifically and plainly marked otherwise. If you do not want to be identified by name in SR, please say so in writing. Because SR is a newsletter, not…

$2,000 Matching Funds Offer

Last month a generous, practical and imaginative Indiana man offered to “match” contributions of $250 or more up to a total of $2,000, with the stipulation that his contribution go specifically toward retiring my most costly credit card balance. That was Discover Card, where my debt was $4,880. (The interest payments on this debt alone…

A Careless Editorial Decision by Smith Compromises both Faurisson and Cole

Issue 26 of Smith's Report ran a letter by Robert Faurisson in which he wrote: “About David Cole’s text on the highly likely’ allegation that Jews were gassed at Struthof [see SR25] : Cole did not give us one word on Professor Rene Fabre’s testimony! Not one word on Pressac’s allusions to it in his…

Willis Carto vs. the Hindenburg?

Again, as repeatedly stated in previous issues of SR, we know that we should let sleeping dogs lie and not open up old wounds. If I had a chance, I wouldn't publish the following article. But we are in the business of posting the contents of all issues of Smith's Report for historical and archival…

A Legal Inquiry Continues

Following Hans Schmidt’s arrest in Germany for having committed a thought crime, Andrew Allen is pressing the German consulate for a position statement regarding which revisionist materials Americans can carry to Germany without the threat of being arrested. The consulate is referring us to Bonn. See the letter of Herr Harmel below. Once the German…

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