
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

Threats to Freedom

Lawyer Douglas Christie discusses the New World Order and how to be free nevertheless. This video expresses the spiritual core of Douglas Christie's beliefs and efforts to inspire others to be freed. He defended Ernest Zündel during Zündel's trial in Canada. 

David Irving; The Manipulation of History (1 of 4 Parts) 1987

In this 4-part series, David Irving deals with subjects ranging from World War II to Idi Amin of Uganda and Nelson Mandela of South Africa. This first part (28 minutes) deals with World War II. David Irving, best selling author and superb researcher ranges over many subjects in his usual informative, witty, and provocative manner. A superb…

Memorabilia: McCalden’s Majdanek

This is the final part of the in-depth tour by David McCalden's team of the former wartime German concentration camps in eastern Europe. David McCalden was a pioneering campaigner against the Holocaust, and often worked with Bradley R Smith, the founder of CODOH. David produced many videos that exposed the lie of the "Holocau$t". Here,…

David Irving in Vancouver 1989

How Churchill and Roosevelt conspired to drag the USA into World War II. David Irving, best selling author, and superb researcher speaks to a Canadian audience in Vancouver in 1989. David is a great speaker, highly informative, and very witty. Here David speaks (one hour and 4 minutes) and shows the efforts of Churchill and…

Memorabilia: David McCalden Interviews Bradley Smith (1984)

A great interview with two great revisionists who in the '70s  and '80s made the revisionist movement possible in a big way in the USA and some parts of Europe together with many other names. So here it is: CODOH founder Bradley Smith and David McCalden. This interview happened at Toronto, Canada in 1984. Bradley Smith…

Douglas Christie in Ottawa 1991

Free-speech champion Douglas Christie gives a talk in Ottawa 1991 Douglas Christie was a brilliant lawyer, who defended Ernest Zundel in the great Holocau$t trial of 1982. Doug as he was known, reduced "Holocau$t" expert "Professor" Hilberg to a complete faker. In all his 20 odd years as an "expert", Hilberg, a ugly individual, was forced to…

Photographic Expert Tidemann Faked Demjanjuk Photos

A forensic analysis of Demjanjuk photos. Ivan (John) Demjanjuk (1920 – 2012) was an Ukrainian-American who was accused of being a camp guard at Sobibor, Majdanek and Flossenburg concentration camps. In 1986, he was tried in Israel as a "war criminal" known as "Ivan the Terrible", predictably, he was convicted and sentenced to death. However,…

Memorabilia: David McCalden on Revisionism at a TV Show Called Race and Reason

A must-see,  30-min exchange of ideas on the "ideal" of free speech, how revisionism, among other topics, was  of course affected at the time McCalden appeared on this show and still is in a huge way a taboo for open debate. David McCalden (1951 – 1990) was born in Northern Ireland, and became a British Nationalist. Aware…

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