
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

Doug Christie on “Crossfire” 1985

Free speech lawyer Douglas Christie appeared on "Crossfire" after the first Zundel trial, in 1985, and was aggressively questioned by panelists Ian Mulgrew, Kathleen Mahoney and George Oake. Doug was the brilliant lawyer, who defended Ernst Zundel, at the great Holocau$t trial. He showed a  "Holocau$t" "expert",  a Professor Hilberg, to be a fraud, and…

Your Ward News Permanently Banned from Canadian Mail Live Stream with Paul Fromm

Paul Fromm in an interview with Brian Ruhe on free speech in Canada. Paul Fromm is a fighter for civil rights in Canada. In this video (35 minutes) he explains how the "Canadian" "Government", which seems to act increasingly like a front group for the Zionist "Canadian" Jewish Congress, continues to abuse the law to prevent…

Conservatives Aren’t Winning, Loss of Purpose. Mark Weber with Paul Fromm

A talk that explores why conservatives are not winning. In this talk Paul Fromm, Mark Weber  and Moderator Brian Ruhe participate. The reasons that Conservatives are not getting anywhere. Paul, Mark and Brian discuss the fundamental defects of “Conservatism” and how it is a complete blind alley.

Monika Schaefer’s First Public Appearance since Imprisonment in Germany!

Monika Schaefer tells her story for the first time of her imprisonment in Germany since Jan. 3, 2018 for the "hate crime" of Holocaust denial. She has been on The Brian Ruhe Show about ten times before. Monika along with her brother Alfred is a fearless fighter against the “Holocau$t” lie.

Fond Memories of Dr. Robert Faurisson by Mark Weber, IHR and Paul Fromm

Mark Weber has known Dr. Robert Faurisson since 1979. He is the director of the Institute of Historical Review at A chat conducted by Brian Ruhe. Professor/Doctor Robert Faurisson was a highly educated Frenchman who contested and exposed the Holocau$t as a lie in his native France. For his brilliant resistance, Robert was dragged…

Why Hitler Lost the War: German Strategic Mistakes in WWII

A series of reflectons on how WWII ended for Germany and why. Andrew Roberts, an establishment historian, and writer of a fawning biography of Winston Spencer-Churchill claims that Hitler lost the Second World War because he made "strategic mistakes". Andrew Roberts notes that a lost German bomber dropped some bombs on the East End of…

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