9/11 and aftermath

The “biggest security disaster in U.S. history,” the attacks on September 11, 2001. They lead to a perpetual war “on terror” for perpetual peace – the kind of peace you can find in graveyards. And they were used by the Powers That Be to gradually abrogate civil liberties both within the U.S. and internationally.

The Revisionist Clarion — Monthly Newsletter about Historical Revisionism and the Crisis of Imperial Powers — World Wars / Colonial Wars in the making / Future Wars

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George Bush versus Revisionism

On Monday, June 16, 2003 news headlines across the United States announced the latest target of President George W. Bush’s wrath-Revisionist historians. Strangely as Bush was shifting his focus from al Qaeda and Iraq to Iran, he decided to take a shot at Revisionists. One headline screamed, “Bush Blasts ‘Revisionist Historians’ on Iraq.”[1] Harry Barnes,…

America’s New Girlfriend

Several years ago boxer “Iron Mike” Tyson during a press conference told his upcoming prize fight opponent he would make him “his girl friend.” Though this was not out of character for the trash-talking Iron Mike, sports commentators were nevertheless shocked the prizefighter would put it so crudely — comparing his upcoming fight to a…

Not Pearl Harbor II

Following the devastating attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th, various commentators have attempted to explain the event to their audiences. One frequent allusion was that of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Perhaps Disney's recent film was stuck in the minds of our media as some even dubbed the…

The Mystery of Evil

When I turned on the television this morning Billy Graham was preaching in the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. to a congregation of the nation’s leaders, including President Bush and the Presidents wife and father. Graham is very old now, and feeble, but he still speaks with force and clarity. He noted several times that…

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