
Some 20% of post-war Polish territory is made up of former German lands; hence, some 20% of today’s Polish towns and cities once bore German names. All place names have long since been Polonized – all, except for one town, which displays bilingual entry signs: Auschwitz. Ethnically speaking, Oswiecim was never German. So why would the fiercely nationalistic Poles retain the Germanized name? Because it is big business. For the world at large, Auschwitz is synonymous with the Holocaust, and it represents the pinnacle of Nazi evil. Yet here we do not focus on the symbol which Auschwitz has become, but on the Auschwitz camp and its numerous satellite camps, such as Birkenau, Monowitz, Harmense, Raisko, etc.

The “Discovery” of “Bunker 1” at Birkenau: Swindles, Old and New

Seven buildings in the infamous Auschwitz concentration camps are claimed to have been equipped with one or more homicidal gas chambers. Five of those buildings were the former Auschwitz crematoria. One smaller crematorium was located in the Auschwitz main camp, and four big crematoria were erected in the huge sub-camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Since the end of…

Auschwitz. Fritjof Meyer’s New Revisions

1. The Background In 1993, Jean-Claude Pressac published his second study on Auschwitz,[5] which provided even more grist to Revisionist mills than did his first study.[6] For this reason, Pressac's second book was devastated by Franciszek Piper, head of the history department of Auschwitz Museum, in a long and vicious review.[7] Piper's critique was a…

Cautious Mainstream Revisionism

1. Political and Psychological Observations: “Number of Auschwitz Victims: New Insights from Recent Archival Discoveries” This is the title of an article by Fritjof Meyer which appeared in the German periodical Osteuropa in May of 2002.[5] According to the article, Meyer, born in 1932, is a “Diploma DHP, Diploma Political Scientist, and Diploma Economist.” The…

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 1

How it began… On March 1, 1958, Adolf Rögner, an inmate in Bruchsal Prison, south-west Germany, filed charges with the Stuttgart prosecutor against one Oberscharführer Wilhelm Boger, who he accused of mistreatment and mass murder of inmates of the concentration camp Auschwitz. In his accusation he pointed out that he was not the only one…

Ground Water in the Area of the POW camp Birkenau

1. Preliminary remarks about the Birkenau Camp Illustration 1: POW camp Birkenau in May 1942:alleged location of Bunker 1 (click to enlarge). The camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, which is today generally referred to as "concentration and extermination camp", was originally designated as a "prisoner of war camp" at the end of 1941 by the German authorities.[4] The…

How many deaths at Auschwitz?

Editor's Remark When it comes to arguing about the correct number of victims of the concentration camp Auschwitz, many people often rely on usually unreliable newspaper articles written by journalists who hardly have any competence in the matter they are writing about. For this reason, Prof. Dr. Faurisson has compiled a list of figures on…

Cremation Pits and Ground Water Levels at Birkenau

The article “Grundwasser im Gelände des KGL Kriegsgefangenenlager Birkenau” (“Ground Water Levels at Birkenau Prisoner of War Camp”) by Michael Gärtner and Werner Rademarcher,[4] published in German for the first time in 1998 and reproduced in this edition, attempts to show that the existence of “cremation pits” in the courtyard of Crematorium V and the…

Van Pelt’s Plea against Sound Reasoning

Robert Jan van Pelt, The Case for Auschwitz. Evidence from the Irving Trial, Indiana University Press, Bloomington/Indianapolis 2002, 464 pp., $45.-. Introduction I bought the Van Pelt book because of my interest in the drawings and details of the alleged triple-mesh columns axonometrically reconstructed on pages 194-208, planning to focus on these in order to…

The Leuchter Reports

The “Holocaust” is often characterized as the greatest crime in the history of mankind. Yet for 44 years not a single forensic investigation into this alleged crime has ever been undertaken. This changed in 1988, when Fred A. Leuchter, at that time the only U.S. expert for execution technologies, was asked by German-Canadian Ernst Zündel…

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