
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

AnswerMan “debunkers” Edith Stein Gassing Claims

As SR readers will recall, AnswerMan is the persona of an active revisionist historian who shies from neither showmanship nor controversy (see SR 58). Here’s what college students visiting his page on CODOHWeb are reading regarding the recently canonized Jewish Carmelite, Edith Stein: Question: Press reports have made it seem as if Edith Stein’s recent…

Auschwitz: The First Report!

On February 2, 1945 Pravda, organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, published an article briefly describing what Red Army troops had found on overrunning the Nazi slave labor camp at Auschwitz. The article, the first public revelation of the site's existence, is surprising for what it does not…

New Questions Raised by Death of U.S. Museum Founder Hadassah (Bimko) Rosensaft

As fate would have it, Hadassah Rosensaft (formerly Ada Bimko), a founder of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, died in New York City on October 3, shortly before the previous issue of SR exposed her role as a postwar perjurer. The news of her death at 85, however, could hardly quiet the controversy that…

Codoh Exposes Auschwitz Perjurer

False “eyewitness” Testimony Helped Hang Germans This month CODOH drops a bombshell. We have discovered, and now reveal, that a celebrated “survivor,- a prominent Zionist, and a major figure in the founding and leadership of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum gave false testimony immediately after World War II testimony that helped convict and hang Germans…


Friend: Here we are in the middle of another holiday season. I have lots of good news about the Campus Internet Project, but there's something on my mind I want to clear. That's one thing holidays are for, to get your mind off what it's regularly on and on to something else. I have been…


(All letters are subject to editing at the whim of this editor, particularly for length, but also for curse words, gratuitous insults and a perverse desire to keep things focused. Those letters which are sent on disk have a substantially better chance of being reproduced here without error than those which are sent the good…

Henri Roques answers David Cole

Henri ROQUES 90, rue Moslard 92700 COLOMBES 12 February, 1995 FAX to Bradley SMITHC/o I.H.R. FOR PUBLICATION Dear Mr Smith, I read «Another David Cole Adventure in Europe» and also noticed your advertisement: “NEW. David Cole tells it all to you about his eventful October 1994 trip to Europe in search of the physical evidence…

Robert Faurisson Corrects the Record on Piper Interview

When Robert Faurisson received the advertising marerials for the videotape “David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper,” he was somewhat dismayed to find that they did not give credit to the decades of work that revisionist scholars and researchers had done on the Auschwitz “gas chambers,” and that our advertising materials could be read in a…

Auschwitz Museum Director Protests His Own Interview

Dr. Franciszek Piper has written the following letter to Target, a magazine published in New South Wales, Australia. If we’re tempted to poke fun at Dr. Piper’s English, we vow to stop and take a moment to reflect on how well we write Polish. Dr Franciszek PiperPanstwowe Muzeum32-603 OswiecimPoland The Magazine “On Target,” Australia In…

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