Letters + Feedback

Selected letters and comments sent in to CODOH by our readers, supporters, fans, colleagues, critics, opponents etc.


[Please inform me if you do not want your name mentioned in SR. While I read every letter that crosses my desk, I can not respond to any that does not pertain to important business needing immediate attention.] I just read David Cole's “repudiation” on the CODOH website. Instant reactions: You are quite right to…


Your Web site on the Internet is overwhelming for someone just “tuning in.” How about a guide, on your site that, for beginners, would recommend where to go first? B.F., Tucson AZ Good idea. I'll run it past the gang. I am a “Morgenthau Plan” survivor. This gets them every time. I am from Silesia,…


The Web/Net may be the last battlefield in this whole enterprise. Hoaxery has pretty well driven opposition almost totally from the printed media, and with the severe reprimand even from the land’s national legislature by a unanimous vote condemning any and all who question Establishment hoaxery, it would seem the matter is becoming increasingly dangerous….


Because CODOHWeb is publishing new revisionist scholarship, Smith’s Report is in the enviable position of being able to announce new revisionist work to its readers long before they will have heard of it from other quarters. The downside is that we do not have enough space in SR to print the exchanges that such articles…


Pressac’s “proof.” Samuel Crowell's facts: Samuel Crowell’s extremely valuable work on the routine and legally required use of gas-tight doors with peepholes by the Germans for tens of thousands of air-raid shelters shows, once again, how totally devoid of any real evidence the Holocaust story is regarding the alleged use of Nazi gas chambers for…


Your letters are the one way I have of knowing what your reaction to each issue of SR is, good or bad. I am unable to respond to correspondence unless it is extremely urgent. I realize this makes it rather a one-way street. If you do not want your name printed here, and there are…


Greetings from old Mexico. We’re in Baja California, in Rosarito, and all is well, as these things go. The office is up and running. I’m completely re-wired; the telephone, the fax, computer, printer, answering machine, photocopier and my Telnor Internet connection, which appears to be very solid. I have a local computer consulting firm to…


Robert Faurisson. Because of my press release of 19 April 1996 (See p. 4-5 of “An Assessment of the Garaudy/Abbe Pierre Affair,” January—October 1996) I was immediately indicted. For many reasons, my trial was twice postponed. It will start on 25 September in Paris. The presiding judge said to my lawyer, Eric Delcroix, that it…


Young [German] Parents (email): Dear Mr. Smith, Please allow us to express our sincere gratitude and admiration for your courage! The information provided by you [on the Internet] through CODOH has greatly improved our understanding of our own (German) people’s past. It is good to know that our recently born son will have alternative sources…


This month I have enough material to fill a 10-page Notebook rather than the one or one and a half pages I have allotted for it. I have decided to save myself a lot of editing work by setting it all aside and using the space this month to listen and occasionally respond to some…

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