(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Absolute Immunity

“You need to know that the least of peasants, and what is even more, the beggar is just as much a human being as is his majesty, and he has to find justice by that fact that all humans are equal before the law; it may be a prince suing the peasant or vice versa,…

Stripe Goes Belly up

This summer, Castle Hill’s payment processor Stripe decided to terminate the credit-/debit-card processing agreement we had with them, claiming that Castle Hill is in violation of the agreement’s terms by selling illegal material. On closer inquiry, we concluded that this referred to Castle Hill’s German language material. Although not illegal in the US., Stripe requires…

Mahatma Gandhi’s Persecution

Mahatma K. Gandhi, The Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Volume Two: Satyagraha in South Africa, edited by Shriman Narayan, Navajian Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1968, 290 + xiii, index, ISBN: 978-81-7229-278-2. Introduction When I was languishing in a German prison for my historical research between 2005 and 2009, I had the opportunity to read many works…

The Potential Expansion of French Holocaust Denial Laws to Non-Public Speech

In 1990, in France, the Gayssot Act made it an offense to challenge “the existence of one or several crimes against humanity as defined by article 6 of the Charter of the International Military Tribual […] and which have been committed either by members of an organization declared criminal pursuant to article 9 of said…

In Defense of Ursula Haverbeck

When the German mass media started inciting the German people against Dr. Haverbeck in March 2015 by calling her the “Nazi grandma” because she argued on the basis of published documents from the Auschwitz Camp’s archives that the standard version of the camp’s history could not be correct, I decided to stand by Dr. Haverbeck…

The Second Zündel Trial

Thirty-one years have passed since the Second Zündel Trial ended. Many of the key players have since passed away, among them Ernst Zündel himself (†2017) and his spiritus rector Prof. Dr. Robert Faurisson (†2018), who was the mastermind behind these trials, as well as Zündel’s defense counsels Douglas Christie (†2013) and Barbara Kulaszka (†2017). Nevertheless,…

Vimeo and YouTube Ban Revisionism

In early 2017, we had to deal with two major censorship incidents, one external, the other homemade. The external event refers to Amazon’s banning of Castle Hill’s entire book collection, no matter whether a book challenges the orthodox Holocaust narrative or addresses some other topic entirely. The second, internal event refers to Eric Hunt’s demand…

Revisionism Going Viral

In early 2016, the Kindle version of a book by two New Zealand authors – James and Lance Morcan – was launched which claimed to refute revisionist theories on the Holocaust. Italian revisionist scholar Carlo Mattogno promptly debunked this primitive “refutation” with a scathing book-length critique, which Castle Hill was happy to publish.[1] By pure…

“Magda Goebbels”… in the Yad Vashem Database

Abstract This paper demonstrates with an example that the number of Holocaust victims claimed to be in the victims’ database of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem cannot be trusted, because anyone can place any number of false entries into that database! In this case, the fictitious person with data related to famous National-Socialist…

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