

The Issue of Motivation in Different Views of the Holocaust

Ingrid Rimland Zündel re-counts an experience from her early days as a revisionist as an interviewee on a television program called The Learning Channel. “My stunningly beautiful anchor leaned forward, pulled her face into the ugliest visage of hatred I have ever had the displeasure to see, and literally hissed at me: ‘Are you a…

Smoking Crematory Chimney at Auschwitz: A Correction

Eyewitnesses of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp have frequently testified that thick smoke belched out of the chimneys of the four crematories of that camp. One classic example is the testimony of former Auschwitz inmate Arnold Friedman. While being cross-examined about his experiences at Auschwitz, Friedman stated during the first Zündel trial in 1985:[1] “There was smoke…

FRAGMENTS: Another Ordinary Life

*** I’m hearing a lot of talk about how American veterans are committing suicide while on duty and after they are back in civilian life. But the military says that its suicide rate remains lower than that of America's civilian population. The AP cites the Pentagon as saying “the civilian suicide rate for males aged…

How I Became a Revisionist

Many revisionists have a strange or unusual background, one which would never have predicted that they would join with such a group of “masochists.” My story is of the same kind. My parents were born and lived in Antwerp, in the center of the Jewish neighborhood, together with some ten to fifteen thousand mainly Chassidim…

Recent News and Developments

Jonas E. Alexis at Veterans Today The publication of Jonas E. Alexis’s columns in Veterans Today represents a powerful movement of recognition for Holocaust revisionist ideas on the Internet. There is no professor at any university in America who would dare to express himself with the frank, honest audacity of Jonas E. Alexis on this…

The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel

My father, who was from Brooklyn, once told me of an accident he saw between a city bus and a garbage truck. He noticed that there were only four or five people on the bus, which was only slightly damaged, but one of the passengers began writhing in pain, wailing that his neck hurt, and…

How I Became a Revisionist

This is an initial exchange with a man who only recently contacted CODOH. Peter: Your contribution arrived here yesterday. It's a generous donation and very much appreciated. Sometimes, when I do not know the person well (or, as in our case, not at all) and he or she makes an initial contribution to the work,…

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