

Polish Authorities Ban BBC Team and David Irving from Auschwitz

Auschwitz State Museum authorities have banned a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television team and British historian David Irving from visiting the site of the wartime German concentration camp. In a July 15 letter to Irving, Museum official Krystyna Oleksy wrote: “We must advise you that permission will not be given for you to have any…

Swiss Court Punishes Two Revisionists

Prosecutor Threatens Defense Witness A court in Switzerland has punished 47-year-old teacher Jürgen Graf and 78-year-old retired engineer Gerhard Förster with fines and prison terms for writing or publishing allegedly anti-Jewish books. A district court in the northern Swiss town of Baden on July 21 sentenced Graf, a leading Holocaust revisionist, to 15 months imprisonment…

Switzerland’s Anti-Racism Law

For many years Swiss law has prohibited discrimination on the basis of race or national origin, similar to provisions of the 1964 and 1968 federal “civil rights” laws in the United States. But Switzerland's new “anti-racism” law, which is a revision of Article (Section) 261 of the criminal code (Strafgesetzbuch), goes far beyond this. It…

What Causes Anti-Semitism?

Separation and its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism, by Kevin MacDonald. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1998. 325 pages. Source references. Bibliography. Index. $65.00. [Available for sale from the IHR] Peter Harrison is the pen name of an East Coast businessman with a keen interest in history who has traveled widely in Europe and Asia….

A Dangerous Guilt Complex

For the Jews the [Holocaust] story has become an indispensable part of their religious heritage, very much like the plight Israel’s children had to endure in Egypt or the destruction of the second temple. For non-Jews as well, the Holocaust has gradually been transformed into a religious myth … Even the slightest criticism of Jews…

Important New German-Language Revisionist Quarterly

A major advance for historical revisionism in Europe is the appearance of a new German-language scholarly journal, Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung. Now in its second year of publication, this “Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Research” offers first-rate writing and editing, and a high level of scholarship, presented in an attractively laid out and well-illustrated large-size…

Don't Die Ignorant

Everybody knows revisionism is an abomination. But it not only exists – it persists. Moral censure and penal convictions, vigilance committees, even the laws of the state – nothing works. For the past 20 years, revisionism has not stopped growing. A recent poll shows that 30 percent of the people in France are ready to…

New IHR Internet Web Site Offers Easier Worldwide Access to Revisionism

The Institute for Historical Review now has its own Internet web site, www.ihr.org, which offers an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including dozens of IHR Journal articles and reviews. It also includes a listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal, enabling callers to quickly search for…

The Noble Red Man

The tendency to idealize the Indian is hardly new in American history. Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), a master debunker of cant and hokum, voiced his contempt for worshipful depictions of America’s aboriginal inhabitants in the following essay, which originally appeared in the September 1870 issue of The Galaxy. Mark Twain In books he is tall…

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