

For Holland and for Europe: The Life and Death of Dr. M.M. Host van Tonningen

What is the point of speaking about the past? Why take another look at the worldview of my late husband, who was a National Socialist? Is there any point in speaking about such things in the liberal democratic era in which we live today? My answer is that there most certainly is, for it is…

Anne Frank’s Handwriting

One reason for skepticism about the famous diary attributed to Anne Frank is the existence of strikingly different samples of handwriting supposedly written by her within a two and a half year period. My first work about the Anne Frank diary was published in French in 1980. A translation of it appeared in the Summer…

Deborah Lipstadt and the Double Standards That Surround Questioning the “Holocaust”

Professor Deborah LipstadtEmory UniversityAtlanta, Georgia[email protected] October 16, 2012 Ms. Lipstadt: I have a legitimate reason to contact you. Since you are generally considered a renowned scholar of the Jewish Holocaust, I would very much like to hear your commentary on the following matter. After all, this information will pertain to my forthcoming critiques of your…

In Spite of the Repression, Revisionism Will Win

This past July 25, in Paris, a judge notified me of three criminal proceedings brought against me, essentially for having taken part in the international conference in Tehran on “the Holocaust.” I shall remind the reader that at that conference, held on December 11th and 12th, 2006, all participants without exception, whether believers or disputers…

Keeping Memory Alive for the Holocaust-Obsessed

Haaretz reports that a new survey to mark International Holocaust Memorial Day found that only 6 percent of Israeli children cite history lessons as a significant source of learning about the Holocaust (http://tinyurl.com/9xgerqp). The annual survey, conducted by the Massuah Institute for Holocaust Studies, shows school education has a very limited influence on shaping young…

News & Comments

Memorial to Romany Victims of Holocaust New York Times24 October 2012 BERLIN — [Edited] Germany paid tribute on Wednesday to the hundreds of thousands of Romany people killed in the Holocaust, opening a long-awaited place of remembrance for a minority still plagued by discrimination. Addressing a crowd that included Holocaust survivors and prominent German politicians,…

The Negro Soldier

One piece of official US war propaganda is a wartime film (1945) entitled: The Negro Soldier. (http://tinyurl.com/9szf438) It was one of Frank Capra's “masterpieces.” Although Capra was not Jewish (which he regretted later in life as he explained as a reason for his not being much more successful in Hollywood), it seems that most of…


While I was visiting the revisionist activist, researcher and publisher Vincent Reynouard in France, I used the opportunity to visit Utah and Omaha Beach, especially the German “Batterie de Crisbecq/Marcouf.” Even 5 days after the landing of the Americans in 1944, the battery was still operational, causing the Americans a lot of problems. One can…

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