

Winston Spencer Churchill

No informed person could well deny that Winston S. Churchill was probably the most spectacular showman in the history of British politics, and he was surely one of Britain's greatmasters of patriotic and honorific rhetoric. But when we go beyond this into any phase of Churchill's career we enter debatable ground. Any careful study of…

Human Soap

It is variously claimed by the Exterminationists that human corpses underwent melting by some rendering process whereby raw material for soap was made. The process, means, and distribution system, are all totally unknown. Immediately after liberation, in Politiceni in Romania, the district rabbi ordered the collection of all bars of soap bearing the letters “RIF”….

In the Matter of Robert Faurisson

Statement on oath by John Tuson Bennett of 122 Canning Street, Carlton Melbourne Australia, barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria. I, John Tuson Bennett of 122 Canning Street Carlton Melbourne make oath and say as follows: I am a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria and have been employed…

Jews on Judaism

Memoirs of an Anti-Zionist Jew, by Rabbi Elmer Berger, Institute for Palestine Studies, 160pp, paperback, $5.00 from IHR. ISBN: 0-911038-87-6 The Decadence Of Judaism in Our Time, by Moshe Menuhin, Institute for Palestine Studies, 590pp, hardback, $13.00 from IHR. ISBN: 0-91 1038-88-4. It is a sad commentary on the extent of control the media moguls…

Letter From Berlin

I first heard about your Revisionist Conference in a rather short, two page report in issue 3/79 of Bauernschaft (October 1979), published by my friend Thies Christophersen (D 2341 Mohrkirch). I saw a more complete report in the South African Observer (P.O. Box 2401, Pretoria, South Africa, November 1979, pp. 11-15) which I receive by…

Letters to the Editor

25 April 1980 To Whom It May Concern: I am returning this journal. I strongly object to the general thesis of the various articles. I want to express my protest about these articles, and I ask that I be removed from your mailing list. Sincerely Yours, Dr. Sara AlpernAssistant ProfessorTexas A&M UniversityCollege of Liberal ArtsCollege…

Auschwitz Notebook

Throughout all these years, the Exterminationists have continued to peddle the claim that there was a definite attempt by National Socialist Germany to exterminate all Jews and so they proffer the “Gerstein Statement” in support of their theory which popularly has been dubbed the “Holocaust.” The “Gerstein Statement” was supposedly written by Kurt Gerstein, a…

German history from a new perspective

Geschichte Der Deutschen, by Prof. Hellmut Diwald. 766 pages 16½ × 24 cm with 837 illustrations (mostly in margins) and 25 maps. Copyright 1978 by Verlag Ullstein GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Vienna: Propylaen Verlag. Price approximately $28. Professor Hellmut Diwald’s Geschichte der Deutschen (History of the Germans) represents a milestone in the area of…

The Fake Photograph Problem

In my book Faked Atrocities (distributed by the Institute for Historical Reivew, [new title: Forged War Crimes Malign the German Nation; for current availability see here; ed.]) I have described some of the ways in which the German nation is maligned through the use of forged atrocity photographs. My book deals comprehensively with this problem,…

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