German Trials

After the victorious powers had installed their respective systems with a compliant Quisling government in each part of Germany (The Federal Republic in west Germany and the German Democratic Republic in east Germany), the courts of law of these lackey states continued the allied legacy of cementing allied wartime propaganda by uncritically parroting the allied charges when prosecuting former German officials. Here are papers looking into this shameful legacy of German “justice.”

How Postwar German Authorities Orchestrated Witness Statements in Nazi Crime Cases

One of the most important standards of justice when interviewing or interrogating witnesses in a criminal case is not to ask leading questions and not to feed the witness with information about the case before he/she is interviewed/interrogated. Either technique can and will lead to witnesses adjusting their statements to what they think is expected….

The Guilt of Oskar Gröning and the Innocence of Jewish Sonderkommandos

The much-ballyhooed trial in Lüneburg, Germany of a 93-year-old former SS man who served at Auschwitz over 70 years ago adds nothing to the extant case for the Holo and subtracts nothing from the revisionist case against it. Its chief interest is its insistence on the enhanced culpability of the defendant, Oskar Gröning. Nearly all…

John Demjanjuk: The Man More Sinned Against

“I am a man more sinned against than sinning!” (King Lear in Shakespeare’s King Lear) I John Demjanjuk is dead. The Age, Melbourne’s more intellectual daily newspaper, reported this on 19th March under the prejudicial and ambiguous heading ‘Nazi camp guard dead.’ Quoting the Washington Post, the newspaper referred to Demjanjuk as ‘the target of…

The Strange Case of John Demjanjuk

On May 13th news headlines around the world announced the conviction of John Demjanjuk for having been a guard at the infamous Sobibor concentration camp. Demjanjuk it would seem was found guilty as an accessory to the murder of some 28,060 people. Oddly, however, if one reads beyond the headlines, it is revealed that there…

Two Sides of Dershowitz’s Mouth

Harvard legal scholar Alan Dershowitz has amassed for himself a formidable reputation as a pronouncer of learned views on legal matters, but his reputation for objectivity may not hold up so well under scrutiny. He recently declaimed, as he seems to roughly annually, on the unlikelihood of Israeli atomic spy Jonathan Pollard’s being able to…

A Revised Preface to “Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence”

A Though I may not agree with every observation made in Der Auschwitz Mythos, I must nevertheless state that it is a profound book, particularly in its analysis of the Frankfurt Trial (1963-1965), in which the author reveals to us the phenomenon, still so obscure and disquieting, of the human “will to believe.” The Frankfurt…

West German Justice and So-Called National Socialist Violent Crimes

When I speak of so-called National Socialist (hereinafter: NS) crimes of violence, this correctly indicates my conviction that the legend of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" is a fiction. This is not the place to present a detail-by-detail rebuttal of this myth; others have already done so most adequately. In any case, as…

The “Nazi Extermination Camp” of Sobibor in the Context of the Demjanjuk Case

Introduction Claiming he spent most of WWII as a prisoner of the Germans, John Demjanjuk gained entry to the United States in 1952. In 1977, he was first sought out by US Federal Prosecutors, who insisted he was a war criminal who murdered Jews during WWII. Years later, in 1986, the former autoworker was extradited…

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 8

On April 6, 1958, an arrest warrant was issued against Klaus Dylewski for his alleged involvment in the selection of inmates for gassings at Auschwitz (p. 988).[1] During his subsequent interrogation, Dylewski stated that, during his wartime presence at Auschwitz, he was responsible for issues dealing with escapes. According to him, escapes and attempts at…

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 7

Internal Contradictions The statements of witness Erwin Valentin made during the pre-trial investigations leading to the Auschwitz trial contain some very telling contradictions. Valentin stated that in 1940 he was sent to the Jewish labor camp of Neutomischel (Warthegau) due to his non-Aryan (that is: Jewish) descent, where he, as a physician, took care of…

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