The Home Front

Sixty-six years old and never been kissed.
Summer is here and the nectarine tree, the peach tree, the orange tree, the apple tree and the two little plum trees are all scarggly messes but they’re all producing wildly too and their fruit is good. Magaly is home from San Diego State for the summer and has a temp job at the local mall selling cosmetics. Paloma has been to cheerleader “camp” for ten-year olds and when she’s not practicing she’s a Nickelodeon TV fanatic. Irene is in remission after her ten-month cancer wrestling match and the prognosis is good. I was in the backyard this afternoon when she came out with a hand mirror grinning from ear to ear and saying: “Look, Gordo, one of my eyebrows is growing in.” Good news is good news.
For my part, all is well. I'm carrying a huge accumulation of debt ($22,000) but it looks like I can do it. I feel good, I have a lot of energy and a little ambition, a good combination. I like my work, it’s no work at all, and every morning I look forward to the day. What the hell, eh?
Bibliographic information about this document: Smith's Report, no. 34, July 1996, p. 7
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a