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La Vie en Licra (4 min)

Parodie de la fameuse chanson d'Edith Piaf // Parody of the famous song by Edith Piaf. *Enregistrement audio en live, clavier et voix // Live audio recording, keys and vocalsModifications mineures lors de la post-production // Minor edits during post-production.

Dr. Arthur Butz-Historical Video Past vs. Political Present (2000) (1:21 min)

A chat with famous revisionist Arthur Butz on  Historical Past vs. Political Present (2000) Dr Arthur Butz is a professor of Electrical Engineering at Northwestern University. He teaches classes in control system theory and digital signal processing. He is also known for the Butz Algorithim. This algorithim provides a means for computer Hibert's space-filling curve….

Neither Germany nor Japan “Almost Built” an Atomic Bomb

Some authors claim that Germany came close to building an atomic bomb during World War II, and even that Germany produced the fissionable U-235 material used in the atomic bomb that the US dropped on Hiroshima. Other authors claim that Japan almost built an atomic bomb by the end of World War II. This article documents that neither Germany nor Japan came close to building an atomic bomb during the war.

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