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The 1999 Krege Report on the Treblinka Extermination Camp

On Jan 21, 2012, The Barnes Review posted a paper by Santiago Alvarez reporting about research conducted by a mainstream archaeologist in the area of the former German wartime camp "Treblinka," where some 700,000 Jews are said to have been murdered during WWII. In this posting reference was made to the preliminary results of similar research conducted in 1999 by Australian engineer Richard Krege. Alvarez indicated that so far Krege's brief paper on the results of his research had been published only in German and French. Made aware of this, one of our volunteers swiftly translated Krege's paper, and here it is (somewhat edited and corrected).

Pope Pius XII and Bishop Williamson vs. Elie Wiesel and the Holocaust Fundamentalists: Whom Do You Believe?

If 20,000 or more people a day were being killed at Auschwitz, Pius XII, with his contacts there, would have known about it. In other words, if, in addition to the Jewish Ordeal of World War II, the Holocaust actually happened, and he said nothing about it, then he deserves our condemnation. However, if the reverse is true, that is, that there was no Holocaust, as the Allied aerial photography clears indicates, then it is the Holocaust Fundamentalist accusers of the Beloved Pontiff who deserve our scorn.

Why Germany Invaded Poland

Establishment historians characterize Germany’s invasion of Poland as an unprovoked act of aggression designed to fulfill Adolf Hitler’s desire for Lebensraum. This article will show, however, that Poland’s atrocities against its German minority forced Germany’s invasion of Poland.

The I. G. Farben Trial

I.G. Farben is the short name of the corporation Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, which can loosely be translated as the Community of Interests of Dye-Making Companies.[1] I.G. Farben was by far the largest German business organization and one of the largest and most profitable corporations in the world at the start of World War II.[2]…

Medical Experimentation at Dachau

The onset and escalation of World War II provided the rationale for most of Germany’s illegal human medical experimentation. Animal experimentation was known to be a poor substitute for experiments on humans. Since only analogous inferences could be drawn from animal experiments, the use of human experimentation during the war was deemed necessary to help…

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