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Psychotic Blood Fantasies Plague Holocaust Cultist Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University, recipient of honorary degrees from universities scattered across North America and Israel and “spokesman for Jews in the United States and throughout the world.” Nevertheless, I propose that it is self­evident that this man is not wrapped too tight. For example,…

Simon Wiesenthal Screws “Life Magazine” and Three Young Germans

In 1946 IBIS VERLAG of Linz and Vienna, Austria, published a book put together by Simon Wiesenthal titled KZ Mauthausen, which allegedly describes how it was to be interned in Mauthausen concentration camp. On page 64 of KZ Mauthausen there is a reproduction of a drawing signed by “S. Wiesenthal” depicting three camp prisoners, dressed…

Simon Wiesenthal Screws Polish Survivor and Maybe about 1100 Other “War Criminals”

Dougherty writes that Simon Wiesenthal is responsible for bringing Adolph Eichmann and “some 1,100 other Nazi war criminals to justice,” as if the statement were a proven fact. Of the 1,100, Wiesenthal is stated as saying, “only three confessed to their crimes.” The implication being that while only “three confessed,” the other 1,097 or so…

Simon Wiesenthal Screws the “Los Angeles Herald Examiner”

On 4 March 1984 the Herald Examiner published a lengthy interview with Simon Wiesenthal by staff writer Steven Dougherty. Here you will find all the evasions of professional responsiblity and good sense that is typical of the press when it treats with the “Holocaust” and its spokesmen. In this interview, Wiesenthal told Dougherty what he…

Outlaw History #11

It's all over CNN. A US marine shot and killed a wounded Iraqi prisoner. We are shown the Iraqi lying on an interior floor, twisted on one side, his head and shoulders propped up against the wall. We hear a marine remark that the Iraqi is breathing but “pretending” to be dead. Whereupon one of…

Outlaw History #12

A Letter from Albert Doyle In some ways I feel sorry for the young Marine caught on a news film shooting a wounded Iraqi prisoner. The Marine is the product of a system which taught him to kill. His job is to kill the enemy, and we have heard his leaders, from the White House…

Outlaw History #13

Below is a letter written by Germar Rudolf to his “friends.” It refers to how he is fighting his extradition to Germany to serve five years, or longer, in a German prison for thought crimes. Rudolf, who studied chemistry at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, discovered that the gas chamber stories are so trashy…

Outlaw History #14

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 Radek Sikorski interviews Paul Wolfowitz in FrontPage magazine today (23 November). Sikorski is director of the New Atlantic Initiative at the American Enterprise Institute. Paul Wolfowitz is Paul Wolfowitz. There is a mind-set shared by the Sikorskis and Wolfowitzs that suggests how we morally justify the US alliance with Israel, the…

Outlaw History #15

Daniel Pipes is the founder and director of the Middle East Forum and its rollicking child, Campus Watch. He works tirelessly to save America and its students from being overwhelmed by Muslim fanatics. He is a towering intellectual, as those things go, and is a dedicated Israeli-Firster. The Mission Statement of Campus Watch reads: “Campus…

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