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Holohoax Tales Avoided the Gas Chamber by Switching Lines

At Auschwitz 2 (Birkenau) it is constantly stressed by “Holocaust survivors” that the German camp staff sorted the transports of deported Jews into two lines, one, the left, was to the “gas chamber”, the right was for labour. Here Arek Hersh in this one and half minute video claims that he avoided the “gas chamber”…

Holohoax Tales Had to Run 17 Miles with Hands behind Back and Rope around Neck (50 Sec.)

Yes, yet another yarn told by a “Holocaust survivor “who survived a genocide program carried out by the Germans, a people renowned for their efficiency and organization skill. There seems to be a lot of “Holocaust survivors”. In this 50 second video, this “holocaust survivor” claims that he was forced to run 28 kilometres (17…

Refuting Deniers Holohoaxer Thinks Eisenhower Liberated Gas Chamber Camps

In this 4 minute video clip a scene from a TV series called the “Holocaust” is shown. It is absolutely stupid and shows why the “Holocaust” is just hate propaganda. A “gas chamber expert” professor is shown a routine “gassing” of Jews. The SS officer claims that 12,000 Jews are killed everyday and cremated that…

Faking the Holocaust.

In this (three minute) video, six photos doctored by the Allies are shown. The technique of "photomontage" was developed by a Communist Jew in Austria, called Raoul Hausmann. This was later taken up by another Communist Jew called Helmut Herzfeld. He later "changed" his name to John Heartfield. He produced a large number of photomontages for the…

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