Month: November 2016

A Revisionist Swashbuckler

I first met Bradley Smith thirty-one years ago. It was early 1985, I had just moved to Southern California from Japan, and Bradley was waiting for me in front of the Los Angeles bus station. He was twenty years older than I, we had different backgrounds and aspirations, and we were friends from the beginning….

To Kill a Taboo

Spotlight. Open Road Films, 2015, 129 mins. The eternal enemy of truth—and history—is taboo. Taboo is the enveloping social process by which knowledge is contained by suppressing its expression. First among those subjected to taboo are the direct witnesses to the knowledge, and first among these are those who have suffered from it but survived…

Remembering Bradley R. Smith

On Thursday evening, 18 February 2016, I glanced at my email on my phone. The subject of a newly received message struck me like a lightning bolt. “Bradley RIP” was all it said. It wasn’t that it was entirely unexpected. Bradley had been ill for many years, fighting off heart ailments, cancer, and even a bullet…

Alternative Information Forbidden in France

In August 2014 Professor Robert Faurisson was interviewed by Tépa (real name Patrick d'Hondt, a native of Réunion) for Meta TV, a web-site that calls itself "France's first free and independent media of alternative information." On 23 November 2016 in Paris, a criminal prosecution of Faurisson and his interviewer, because of statements made during the interview, concluded with…

Intellectual Freedom and the Holocaust Controversy

In 1999 I partnered with Bradley Smith to launch a new revisionist journal, entitled The Revisionist. The Revisionist went through several incarnations through the years. Ultimately it became the prototype for INCONVENIENT HISTORY, which was launched ten years later in 2009. This short opinion piece ran in that first issue of The Revisionist. Here Bradley…

Dissident Musician and British Nationalist Alison Chabloz Arrested for a Song

To say that UK police handling of online abuse is inconsistent is something of an understatement. In particular, these inconsistencies are highlighted in the case of British musician Alison Chabloz, who shot to fame after performing a "quenelle" salute at the Edinburgh Fringe festival in 2015. Chabloz was again in the news during this year's Fringe…

Free Speech on the Web: CODOH

CODOH was born of the initiative of its founder, Bradley R. Smith to promote intellectual freedom with regard to the Holocaust question on what was then a much smaller scene of information sharing, just at the moment of explosion of  what would become a revolution of information exchange: the digital era and  its  medium:  Internet….

Air Photo Evidence

Your browser does not support the video tag, but you can download the video here. During World War Two both German and Allied reconnaissance aircraft took countless air photos of places of tactical and strategic interest in Europe. These photos are prime evidence for the investigation of the Holocaust. Air photos of locations like Auschwitz,…

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