At Long Last: A New Revisionist Standard Work
Germar Rudolf, Lectures on the Holocaust. Controversial Issues Cross-Examined, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2005, 566pp., 6×9, pb., more than 100 illustrations, bibliography, index, $30.-; now available as a second, revised and corrected edition, co-edited by Dr. Thomas Dalton (author of Debating the Holocaust), The Barnes Review, Washington, D.C., 2010, 500 pp., 6×9, pb., 151 illustrations, bibliography, index, $30.-
I am delighted to have received and read my copy of Lectures on the Holocaust by Germar Rudolf. I had four compelling reasons to read this work.
First, revisionists have waited a long time to have a substantial scientifically-based work written in a very readable fashion that casts doubt on the traditional Holocaust story.
I was first introduced to Holocaust revisionism in 1990 by my college German professor. Since that time I have had to rely on pamphlets on the subject to keep me informed because the book-length treatments, like Arthur Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century were too dry and detailed for me to read.
Now in Lectures on the Holocaust we have an extensive treatment of the subject that carefully explains things to the layperson.

The new revisionist standard work: Lectures on the Holocaust, 2nd, revised and corrected edition, authored by Germar Rudolf and edited by Dr. Thomas Dalton (author of “Debating the Holocaust”), 500 pp. pb, 6”×9”, 151 illustrations, bibliography, index (published in Oct. 2010); Learn more at:
Second, it is important to have a clearly-written work that dispels the myth that has been the justification for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people in recent times. This myth has also been the key element in a barrage of propaganda from the Jewish media in Western countries geared to instilling guilt in Europeans and European-Americans and loosening their hold on the reins of power in their own societies.
Third, revisionists and discerning people in general need to support the publishing efforts of a true hero for our times – Germar Rudolf. This young man has given up a comfortable career as a professional chemist in search of the truth in history. He has not only been self-sacrificing but also industrious and has led Castle Hill Publishers to the forefront of leadership in revisionist publishing – not for profit but for the dissemination of information needed to save our civilization. His website with its free downloads of important revisionist books is testimony to the altruistic nature of his work. In a time when political correctness has suppressed many common sense truths, we must support those men and women of integrity who are trying to tell us what really happened in the 20th century.
Fourth, on a practical level, the dialogue-like format of this book prepares revisionists to respond more easily to frequently asked questions by those who are interested in learning more about the Holocaust. These are indeed lectures on the Holocaust. Reading this gripping book is like being in a classroom with a skilled teacher who carefully takes the student step by step through the evidence to impart a more sophisticated knowledge of the subject matter.
The lectures build upon one another even as the edifice of the official history crumbles. There is a crescendo effect in reading the book from beginning to end as one moves from relative ignorance of the subject to a sense of understanding. It is as if a veil has been lifted from a very arcane matter.
For example, back in the late 1980s I reverently watched the whole 9½ hours of Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah. At the time, I was profoundly impressed by what I saw and found the film utterly convincing. Now I read on page 372 that Lanzmann admitted in 1985 to paying all the German witnesses in the film a substantial sum on the condition that they keep quiet about the payment for 30 years. On page 370, I was surprised to learn that one of the witnesses interviewed by Lanzmann, professional Holocaust survivor Rudolf Vrba, is reported in the book Pieta by Georg Klein to have said when asked if the statements he made in the film were true:
“I was an actor and I recited my text.”
What kind of documentary is Shoah?
No means is spared by the author in simplifying this very complex topic: first, at the heart of the book is a dialogue between the author and the ostensible listeners, which anticipates questions and objections that the reader might well have raised. In some cases the author draws out correct conclusions from the ostensible listeners as Socrates did from his students. In other cases he responds deftly to challenges from them. It is a brilliant pedagogical method that works exceptionally well and reminds one of Plato’s Republic – especially considering the book’s concern for the well-being of society.
Second, the book is filled with a combined total of more than 156 portraits, aerial photographs, easy-to-understand tables, maps, plans, graphs, facsimiles, and translations of newspapers articles. Every time I came to a point in the text where I thought that an illustration might be relevant or helpful – lo and behold there was one!
I should add that this work goes beyond being a mere introduction in certain respects. The subject matter is presented in an intellectually stimulating manner. Even the experienced revisionist familiar with the facts should find the book thought-provoking. The points made in the book are exceptionally well-documented – enough so to appeal to the most exacting scholar. There are a remarkable 1367 footnotes. In fact, the researcher could read this work as a long bibliographic essay. An exhaustive bibliography and index of names complete the work.
“The conversational style for the book was a brilliant idea, it brings to mind Galileo’s The Starry Messenger. Your conversational writing style is so fluid and logical that it is a pleasure and enlightening to read page by page. It is as if English is your mother tongue.”
Galen Jokipii, a grateful reader, Tuscon, Arizona
There is truly a lot of “bang for the buck” in this 566-page comprehensive, up-to-date treatment of the Holocaust. It is a quality paperback, well-bound so as to last and a book the reader will want to keep as a reference work after having studied it carefully.
There are five lectures: Lecture one defines the Holocaust and suggests the reasons for doubt. Lecture two traces the public controversy concerning it. Lecture three weighs the material and documentary evidence. Lecture four evaluates the personal testimony. The last lecture delves into the matter of freedom and scientific inquiry in contemporary society. I could say that the book is encyclopedic in its coverage but reading an encyclopedia is boring. This book, however, is a page-turner.
Something must also be said about the objectivity of the author. Germar Rudolf became a revisionist because he could not, in good conscience, live with a lie. But he has remained a scientist first and then a revisionist. He weighs arguments in the balance as a scientist would. All positions, including the author’s own, are subjected to careful examination. While it is obvious that Rudolf smokes out inconsistencies in the official story with relentless logic, he also treats credible positions of those who are not revisionists with respect.
Although he has become an activist in the sense that he has had the courage of his convictions in the face of persecution, he is fundamentally fair. For example, he warns fellow revisionists not to be too critical of fraudulent aspects of The Diary of Anne Frank because the core of it accurately and realistically reflects the experiences of the Jews at that time. He writes on page 430:
“[…] the framework of Anne Frank’s story – even if it is a novel edited by her father – contains nothing profoundly false.”
If this work has any flaw, it is in being too abstract in occasional passages for the average high school graduate – even though as a whole it is written in a style that is vivid, fast-paced, and is what is called these days “a good read.”
We must reach the masses. In the marketplace of ideas the truth does not always prevail. Commitment to the truth is not enough. We need to wed commitment to the truth with strategy and, strategically speaking, the academicians and professionals are not going to follow our lead. They are going to continue to bow down to their masters in the politically correct establishment. They will believe what they are told to believe. We must circumvent them and reach the ordinary person. Fortunately, reading the book naturally leads one to activism. After having finished it I feel informed enough to defend a position that I have held in the past but have had trouble articulating.
In short, this inspiring book is a must-read for those of us who want to go beyond reading in private to getting the word out to the currently uninformed who make up the bulk of our society and will determine our collective fate. It is a much-needed work which will play a helpful role in enabling us to turn the tide in the struggle for truth.
© Daniel McKeon, Sept. 26, 2005
A Fantastic Book
These Lectures could be called introductory (as could Hegel’s “Lectures”), but this tome’s 566 pages take the reader very far into the various scientific, forensic, and historiographic issues in contemporary holocaustology. This book is a very important, up-to-date, and thoroughly researched one-volume expose of the Hoaxoco$t as a shameless and obstinate lie of the Jewish misleaders. The 527 pages of text are a multi-faceted and fascinating presentation of the widest possible range of material relating to the actual hoaxoco$t, its antecedents, and its subsequent misuses.
The book has at least four different aspects:
- An informal series of lectures in which the listeners were permitted frequent interjections, questions, objections, etc. Both holocaust faithful and skeptics were given the opportunity to participate.
- The 27 tables and 156 illustrations make this book a valuable reference work to be consulted in any discussion about holocaust fact and fiction.
- An extensively annotated bibliography on virtually all the well-known and not so well known books dealing with holocaustory has been integrated into the text.
- A cogent and incisive analyses of complicated political, constitutional, and philosophical issues.
Most of the book is quite easy to read because of the informal and conversational tone of the lectures, but the wealth of detailed and invaluable information in the tables and illustrations make it advisable for the serious student-holocaustorian to have his own copy on hand for ready reference purposes.
For example, Table 1 compares Hilberg and Davidowicz on the number of supposed victims at different alleged murder sites and on the total number. This one table exposes the totally unscientific nature of the main works of these two leading holocaustomaniacs and is a good introduction into the problem of “hoaxoco$t arithmetic,” i.e. whatever components are used the magic total of 6M always pops out.
Tables 5 and 12 show the incredibly shrinking number of victims claimed by hoaxoco$tomaniacs for Auschwitz and Treblinka respectively. Over time the total alleged for Auschwitz has shrunk down from 9,000,000 to 510,000 and Treblinka’s from 3,000,000 to 200,000. There are similar tables for other camps.
The illustrations are equally valuable and perhaps even more essential to understand the author’s arguments and to prove one’s points. One picture is worth a 1,000 words.. For example, Illustrations 84-86 respectively show:
- “what the airtight doors of [the Nazi] homocidal ‘gas chambers’ looked like,
- the door to a single-person execution gas chamber in the USA, and
- the door to a delousing chamber at Dachau.
Just these three photos are rather convincing evidence that the fable of Auschwitz’s mass-homocidal gas chambers is a shabby lie believeable only by well brainwashed children and village idiots. Illustrations 104, 105, 112, 113a-c, 114, 115, 116, 117f, 119, 120, 121 deal with photo fakery, forgery, and mislabeling. These photo illustrations are an essential part of the author’s argument and, therefore, absolutely indispensable for the reader and anyone with whom the reader would like to discuss these issues. One fake photo is worth a 1,000 lies.
One very detailed annotated bibliography (pp. 132-184) shows the gingerly way, in which various historians have written about the holocaust. This 52-page section is very useful in giving the non-specialist an overview of the gradually strengthening of revisionism in the world.
Because Rudolf is a PhD-level chemist, it is not surprising that he discusses in great detail issues of forensic evidence, chemistry, and on-site investigations of the alleged gas chambers. [Notate bene: Holocaustomaniacs deprived Rudolf of the opportunity to receive his PhD, so the phrase “PhD-level” is used.] A liberally educated chemist writing for non-scientists should make the important issues clear. Rudolf certainly does. For example, the backcover has four photos: 2 from Auschwitz, 1 from Majdanek, and 1 from Stutthof. Three of the photos show the widespread blue staining characteristic of the extensive use of Zylon B. Only one photo shows no blue staining whatsoever. It is the photo that should actually show the most staining, i.e. the alleged genocidal gas chambers at Aw-shucks. Jurists and Latinists use the phrase, res ipsa loquitur, to describe this type of situation and the unavoidable conclusion. Please check out the author’s photos and arguments for yourself!
In connection with the “Germans murdered 6M Jews” filthy blood libel, Rudolf raises two issues that are very important for modern nations:
- Are human bodies self-cremating, i.e. can they be used as fuel?
- Is it possible to eliminate 6M bodies with no trace?
Question #1 is very important for India, Japan, etc. and any country that cremates bodies rather than burying them. The Japanese annually spend billions of increasingly valuable Yen on imported fuel for cremations. Moreover, there are over 25,000 Japanese over the age of 100 who will soon need to be cremated. Let us find out from holocaust survivors how bodies were used as fuel in order to save a lot of money in the near future!
Question #2 raises important environmental issues. It would be possible to free up immeasurable amounts of land if bodies could be made to disappear without a trace.
The most interesting parts of the book for the general reader might well be the many cogent and brief analyses of issues surrounding the holyhoax. I list only a few:
- The holocaust as a sociological taboo much stronger than any other taboo in pseudo-enlightened societies that pride themselves on not having any taboos (pp. 9-14).
- The case of Dr. Carol Loftus (pp. 348-351), the racist American Jew, who would not testify at the Demjanjuk Trial in Jerusalem. Her racism is more disgusting than that of the locust plague of professional holyhoax witness-liars. After all, these professional liars make a living off their deceit. For Loftus human rights are a “Is it good for Jews?” issue.
- The modern holocaust show trials and medieval witch trials (413-416): Rudolf lists 23 similarities and shows that the Stalin-type hoaxoco$t trials were and still are a throwback to pre-modern judicial proceedings and were essentially the same as the Moscow show trials of the 1930s.
- The Demjanjuk Case and the vicious lies told and forgeries committed to give Israel another Eichmann-style shoah-business circus [pp.103-110]. And the ensuing petty revenge of American Jewry’s elite in getting the victim re-deported back to the Ukraine.
- The utterly phoney basis of democracy and human rights in the Federal Republic of Germany [pp.397-412]. In the early 1950s, West Germany got a so-called Basic Law but no constitution. The Basic Law required Germany to accept all the verdicts of the Allies’ holocaust show trials so that the “hoax of the century” became the very foundation of today’s Germany. Consequently, freedom of speech in Germany has a very Stalinesque twist, i.e. you can say anything you like as long as the government does not dislike it. So Germany is a HOG [Hoaxco$t Obsessed Government].
- The extent to which racist Jewish holocaustomaniacs have willy-nilly become revisionists and then the shameless way in which they shift the blame for their own original lies onto Gentiles and finally claim for themselves the merit of having exposed the lie. Examples are the:
- human-fat-into-soap lie,
- human-skin-into-lampshades lie,
- Wannsee-Conference-to-murder-Jews lie,
- fable about the homocidal gas chambers.
Will the same psychotic Jewish elite eventually come forward to claim that the Germans made up the whole holyhoax story of 6M murdered Jews “to create a time bomb against the Jews”? (p. 177) They probably will!
At any rate, the Jewish misleaders’ trick of falsely accusing others of making false accusations has been very shrewd and effective. I never understood this until Israel Shamir wrote about it in reference to the false charge attributed to Christians that Jews are responsible for the death of Christ. It has never been the teaching of mainline Christianity that Jews in general are responsible for Christ’s death or for anything whatsoever. Each individual (Self-Chosen or Unchosen) is responsible only for his own actions according to Plato, Aristotle, and Christian teaching. Shamir points out that the Talmud teaches that Jews should be proud of having killed Christ who is supposedly now boiling away in hell in excrement. The Jewish elite trick works like this: Make false accusations! Get caught? Falsely accuse others of having made the false accusations!
Conclusion: Dr. Joachim Hoffman wrote a 4-page “Expert Report” on Rudolf’s anthology Dissecting the Holocaust. I am only a beginner in holocaustiana – not anywhere being an expert – and my most basic qualification for writing this review is that I attended eight years at a good grade school in the 1950s. In those years we intensely practiced all four basic arithmetic operations so we could not be fooled by anything as shallow and stupid as “holocaust arithmetic.” If the components of a sum total go down, the sum total must go down. We were also taught, “Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!” and the right to self-defense against physical violence and outrageous lies. Have smaltzy professional hate-mongering hoaxoco$t liars fooled you? Do you need to defend yourself? Read Rudolf’s Lectures on the Holocaust to answer those two important questions for yourself! This book is also a great detective story that makes Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie mysteries look positively boring.
© Patrick McNally, Oct. 2005
Editor’s Remark
In 2010, The Barnes Review published an updated new edition of Lectures on the Holocaust. As a result, the page, table and illustration numbers mentioned in the above review, which refer to the first edition, may at times be off by a few numbers. The price of the book is the same. See the order info beneath the title image on the first page of this review.
Bibliographic information about this document: The Revisionist 3(2) (2005), pp. 215-218
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a