Author: Robert Faurisson

For more than 20 years, Robert Faurisson was Europe's foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. He was born on January 25, 1929, in Shepperton, England. His father was French and his mother was Scottish. He was educated at a Lycée in Paris, and at the renowned Sorbonne. He received his "State Doctorate" in letters and the humanities from the Sorbonne in 1972, where he also taught from 1969 to 1974. From 1974 until 1990, Faurisson was a professor of French literature at the University of Lyon II. He is a recognized specialist of text and document analysis, and is the author of four books on French literature. After years of private research and study, Dr. Faurisson first made public his skeptical views about the Holocaust extermination story in two items published in December 1978 and January 1979 in the influential Paris daily Le Monde.

Read more about him here.

The Adventure of Revisionism

Robert Faurisson, Interview with Jim Rizoli, 2015

The Revisionists’ Total Victory on the Historical  and Scientific Level

In France and in the rest of the world historians and specialists of “the Holocaust” no longer know what to answer to the revisionists’ arguments. But Robert Faurisson sure knows how to summarize their desastrous defeat...

Robert Faurisson a Revisionist Life (PART 1 OF 4) 1990

Close to four hours of footage allows the viewer to see more about Professor Robert Faurisson, who is arguably the one key individual in modern revisionism who opened the door for many more questions to be asked about the historiography, the narrative of what is now called the Holocaust and open the way for many more of those who would dare to openly question the Holocaust in…

Gilad Atzmon rencontre Robert Faurisson 2014 / English

Professor Robert Faurisson, considered the father of "modern revisionism" meets in Vichy, France with formerly Jewish activist and musician Gilad Atzmon. A must-see documentary. In this video (One hour 8 minutes), Gilad meets and speaks with Professor Robert Faurisson in 2014. Professor Robert Faurisson (1929 – 2018) was a French University Professor, specialising in the study of documents….

Foreword to the 2nd Edition of “Ecrits révisionnistes (1974-1998)”

The first edition of the present work dates from March 1999. For it I was indebted to two persons who had kindly agreed to compile for publication the articles and studies which, in addition to a few revisionist books or other pieces, I had written from 1974 to 1998. This new edition reproduces the contents…

The Revisionists’ Total Victory on the Historical and Scientific Level

In France and in the rest of the world, historians and specialists of the “Holocaust” no longer know what to answer to the revisionists’ arguments. And to speak only of my own case, which has been going on since 1978 (that is, for some thirty-seven years), never has my country’s justice system, despite the tireless…

The Victories of Revisionism (Part 2)

The article that follows was written on September 11, 2011 as a continuation to the paper “The Victories of Revisionism” that Professor Faurisson presented in Tehran on December 11, 2006. For that presentation Professor Faurisson is being prosecuted by the French government. His case was recently adjourned until June 2016.— Ed. On December 11, 2006…

Bradley Smith

My old friend Bradley has left us. During his lifetime I could not hide my strong liking for him. I admired him but, out of discretion, I dared not show or say it to him very much. Now that he is no longer of this world I can go ahead and declare outright that, amongst…

The Revisionists’ Total Victory on the Historical and Scientific Level

In France and in the rest of the world historians and specialists of “the Holocaust” no longer know what to answer to the revisionists’ arguments. And to speak only of my own case, which has been going on since 1978 (that is, for some thirty-seven years), never has my country’s justice system, despite the tireless…

Against Hollywoodism, Revisionism

On February 2, 2012, Tehran hosted the second "Conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema" as part of the 2012 Fajr International Film Festival. President Ahmadinejad presented Robert Faurisson with an award at the conference and met with him in private.  The term Hollywoodism refers to the transformation, often mendacious, of reality by the spirit and practices…

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