Author: Jett Rucker

Jett Rucker was (really) born less than six months before V-E day in the United States. S/he represents him/herself as of either gender (but is not transgender) for security reasons. His/her spouse is in a profession that exposes him/her to retribution from people who oppose and punish Holocaust revisionism, hence all the vagueness. Rucker possesses an MBA degree from an Ivy League Institution and a CPA certificate from Michigan, and worked in accounting for 12 years before moving over to writing. S/he speaks, reads and writes French and German with near fluency and has relatives, long dead, who were Nazis, along with other relatives who served in the armed forces of the Allies fighting Germany in World War II. The scales fell from his/her eyes in 2010 and s/he has since been exposed to his/her neighbors via the Internet as a Holocaust revisionist, which has occasioned some awkwardness, particularly with the Jews among the neighbors, but all is peaceful.

Eichmann's Daughter-in-Law Praises Him

Last month, Adolf Eichmann's daughter-in-law had the poor judgment to opine in a televised interview that she thought her father-in-law was a good person, a mere cog in a great machine that controlled his nation, and hadn’t even killed one person himself.

Why—and How—I’m “Ideologically Motivated”

"Holocaust denial is ideologically motivated. The deniers’ strategy is to sow seeds of doubt..." This passage has been promulgated on the Web and in paper publications of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Remembrance, Education and Research at least since 2004. So who is motivated by what?

The Unamerican: Dov Hikind

A malign foreign influence is again abroad in America—one of such insidious force and menace that it calls for dusting off a hoary pejorative that has been little heard since the days of the doughty senator from Wisconsin, Joseph P. McCarthy. That label is a resoundingly descriptive one: Unamerican! It doesn’t quite mean anti-American, nor is…

The Holocaust in Holograms

A minor flurry of news items has attended the announcement that certain purported veterans of German-enabled mistreatment of Jews during World War II are being recorded “in three dimensions” as they recount tales of the suffering endured by them and others they knew and heard about. Condemnation of Germans, Nazis, and other familiar villains of…

The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel

My father, who was from Brooklyn, once told me of an accident he saw between a city bus and a garbage truck. He noticed that there were only four or five people on the bus, which was only slightly damaged, but one of the passengers began writhing in pain, wailing that his neck hurt, and…

Two Sides of Dershowitz’s Mouth

Harvard legal scholar Alan Dershowitz has amassed for himself a formidable reputation as a pronouncer of learned views on legal matters, but his reputation for objectivity may not hold up so well under scrutiny. He recently declaimed, as he seems to roughly annually, on the unlikelihood of Israeli atomic spy Jonathan Pollard’s being able to…

Survivor Guilt

Survivor guilt” has come into popular usage as an irrational complex on the part of those among a very small number of people who, by sheer happenstance, have emerged alive from a disaster that took the lives of many others who seem to have deserved no less (or more) to have survived than the survivors…

International Lawfare in Defense of Holocaust Orthodoxy

There is a global network of lawyers and judges coordinated from offices in Tel Aviv devoted to the advancement, in their respective countries, of the interests of the state of Israel—by the agency of their countries’ legal systems. Called the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (or IAJLJ), it reprises the much-reviled National Socialists…

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