Author: Jett Rucker

Jett Rucker was (really) born less than six months before V-E day in the United States. S/he represents him/herself as of either gender (but is not transgender) for security reasons. His/her spouse is in a profession that exposes him/her to retribution from people who oppose and punish Holocaust revisionism, hence all the vagueness. Rucker possesses an MBA degree from an Ivy League Institution and a CPA certificate from Michigan, and worked in accounting for 12 years before moving over to writing. S/he speaks, reads and writes French and German with near fluency and has relatives, long dead, who were Nazis, along with other relatives who served in the armed forces of the Allies fighting Germany in World War II. The scales fell from his/her eyes in 2010 and s/he has since been exposed to his/her neighbors via the Internet as a Holocaust revisionist, which has occasioned some awkwardness, particularly with the Jews among the neighbors, but all is peaceful.

Eichmann's Daughter-in-Law Praises Him

Last month, Adolf Eichmann's daughter-in-law had the poor judgment to opine in a televised interview that she thought her father-in-law was a good person, a mere cog in a great machine that controlled his nation, and hadn’t even killed one person himself.

Why—and How—I’m “Ideologically Motivated”

"Holocaust denial is ideologically motivated. The deniers’ strategy is to sow seeds of doubt..." This passage has been promulgated on the Web and in paper publications of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Remembrance, Education and Research at least since 2004. So who is motivated by what?

The “Consensus” of Power

I just read that 97% of climate scientists agree that human activity (production, travel, egregious waste, etc.) is causing the earth’s climate to warm. Within the union shop that constitutes “climate scientists” (all employed either by the government or its mouthpiece, academia), apparently only 3% dare to allow that they harbor even the slightest doubts…

Google: Money Flows Uphill

It’s definitely the Flap of the Month: a month ago, if you Googled “Did the Holocaust really happen?” you got the usual list of a billion or so hits, with the top (first) position occupied by the Web site of Stormfront, which carries an article claiming that “it” didn’t “happen.” A solid hit as to…

David v. Goliath: Irving versus Lipstadt (London, 2000)

Acknowledgment: I wish to thank David Irving for a prompt and thorough response to my request that he review a draft of this article for accuracy. He pointed out several areas of misstatement or neglected points, and this permitted considerable improvement to the article. An identical request made at the same time to Dr. Lipstadt…

How the Allies Launched the Holocaust at Casablanca in 1943

Searching for “the moment the Holocaust began” is quite as pointless as the never-ending search for “the missing link” in the evolution of homo sapiens.  Analyses of the event(s), however the events are constituted, often go back to ancient intergroup enmities and exploitations as far back as the Middle Ages. Others focus on misrepresented, but…

Germany Persecuting (Rich, American) Jew(s Again)

It’s come full circle. Legend, at least, has it that when a hyena has been mortally wounded, perhaps disemboweled, it uses its last ounces of strength to consume its own entrails. This is indeed the image on display today as the Holocaust-revenge industry impels Germany’s law enforcers to investigate rich American Jew Mark Zuckerberg, CEO…

The Holocaust: Based on a True Story

Truth, history, beliefs. These come to us by various means, few if any based on what might be called purposeful (to us) gathering of facts and dispassionate weighing thereof. Much of what passes within us as knowledge, belief, or just habitual supposition came to us almost willy-nilly, except for the pervasive influence of our environments,…

You, Too, Can Be a Comment Commando

Ours is a stifled voice. When we wrestle down our concern at attracting the ire of those who enforce the regnant Holocaust ideology, when we take excruciating care to avoid implying that any particular group or religion might be involved in the perpetration of the lies, when we scrupulously marshal the mountains of evidence on…

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