Author: Bradley R. Smith

Bradley R. Smith was born in Los Angeles on February 18, 1930. At 18 he joined the army and in 1951 served with the infantry in Korea where he was twice wounded. After three decades of a variety of professional activities, it suddenly hit him: In 1979 he read a leaflet by Professor Robert Faurisson, "The Problem of the Gas Chambers." Then, Arthur Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century did it for him. He understood from the beginning that he would address the censorship, the suppression of independent thought, the taboo against publishing and debating revisionist arguments—not the arguments themselves. That has remained his position. In 1989 Smith founded Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) dedicated to defending free speech and free inquiry into the Holocaust question. He handed over CODOH's helm in late 2014, but keeps contributing.

Read more about him here.

Phil Donahue Show

Bradley Smith Interview, Dec. 19, 2015

Jim Rizoli, for the League of Extraordinary Revisionists, interviews Bradley R. Smith, his 5th interview in the series.


Revisionism to the World!

This month the college students and professors who are accessing CODOHWeb thanks to the Campus Project (and to the exertions of concerned college instructors—see above) will find several articles that put the lie to some of the central claims of Schindler’s List. Michael Hoffman and Alan Critchley’s review “Schindler’s Mist: Spielberg’s Fraud in Schindler's List”…

SR Worldscope on Revisionism and Revisionists

Publication of David Irving’s Goebbels by Lyle Stuart’s Barricade Press set for August, according to the 10 February issue of Publisher’s Weekly, bible of the book industry. Despite Stuart’s record of publishing outre books (such as Dr. William Pierce’s sanguinary Turner Diaries), we’ll believe it when we see it. Latest from the Northwestern front: a…

Amnesty International Tells CODOH that Revisionists Deserve Prison

Few things have been more disappointing to libertarian-minded revisionists than the persistent silence of free-speech organizations in the face of the worldwide persecution of Holocaust revisionists for their historical opinions. The same groups which have made a cause celebre out of every small-town effort to refuse to carry the latest New York celebration of adolescent…


The third week in February when I returned from out of town I discovered a letter informing me that we were losing our Internet service provider. Unlike the fiasco of last summer, where our service provider turned against us for political reasons and broke its contract, this time it was a matter of market-place failure….

Revisionism to the World!

Following are a few recent articles posted on CODOHWeb which I can send you in printed form. The word count averages about 650 words per page—example, 25 pp. equal 15,000+ words). The amount following each document is a suggested contribution. Your gift over that amount, if possible, is much appreciated. First full-text English translation of…

Major Media Turns its Attention to Arthur Butz’s Web Page

The great scandal continues to roil. Arthur Butz, author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, as well as professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences at Northwestern University, is now able to present his views on the “Holocaust” cheaply and effectively by means of his own page on the university’s Website. Last month the…

SR Bullet-in-Briefs

The previous issue of SR reported on the current legal ordeals of Robert Faurisson and Ernst Zuendel. There are these further developments: In Paris, the justices of France's Supreme Court of Appeals have responded to Professor Faurisson's petition that they consider whether the Loi Gayssot, which decrees that challenging the factuality of the “Holocaust” is…

Carlos Porter, Sentenced in Germany, Says “Nuts” from Belgium

Carlos Whitlock Porter, an American who has analyzed the charges, evidence and testimony in the post-WWII trials of the Germans and Japanese, was convicted in absentia by a Munich court late last year of sending his book, Not Guilty at Nuremberg, into Germany. In a letter to the court dripping with the scorn and defiance…


An interview. Last month I received from Arnaud Hubert the following request by email. (Hi. I’m a journalist for French monthly magazine Planete Internet ( We're working on a story about revisionist sites and activists on the Net. As you know, this is a very sensitive issue in France, because of history reasons but also…

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