Author: Bradley R. Smith

Bradley R. Smith was born in Los Angeles on February 18, 1930. At 18 he joined the army and in 1951 served with the infantry in Korea where he was twice wounded. After three decades of a variety of professional activities, it suddenly hit him: In 1979 he read a leaflet by Professor Robert Faurisson, "The Problem of the Gas Chambers." Then, Arthur Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century did it for him. He understood from the beginning that he would address the censorship, the suppression of independent thought, the taboo against publishing and debating revisionist arguments—not the arguments themselves. That has remained his position. In 1989 Smith founded Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) dedicated to defending free speech and free inquiry into the Holocaust question. He handed over CODOH's helm in late 2014, but keeps contributing.

Read more about him here.

Phil Donahue Show

Bradley Smith Interview, Dec. 19, 2015

Jim Rizoli, for the League of Extraordinary Revisionists, interviews Bradley R. Smith, his 5th interview in the series.


CODOH Raises New Questions about the Soviet Past of Simon Wiesenthal

Researchers associated with the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust have gathered evidence which raises serious questions as to Simon Wiesenthal’s past associations with the Soviet Union. Most of this evidence appears to stem from Simon Wiesenthal himself, and it points to Wiesenthal’s voluntary cooperation with Soviet authorities on more than one occasion and…

Director of Research at Auschwitz State Museum Admits on Camera that Auschwitz “Gas Chamber” is a Fraud!

Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) now has Dr.Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives at the Auschwitz State Museum, on videotape conceeding that the Auschwitz “gas chamber” was “reconstructed” after the war, not from plans drawn by engineers and architects, but from such “eyewitness” recollections as those of the corrupt Filip…

Canadian “Human Rights” Panel Seeks Close-Down of Zündelsite

CODOH’s Website has just gotten a whole lot bigger. We are cruising into the New Year carrying Ernst Zuendel’s Internet site—“piggyback” as it were—on the World Wide Web. Why? Not because authorities in Canada have closed down the Zuendelsite—after all, it operates out of the United States of America. Not because computer whizzes among the…

CODOH’s Growing Role in Battle for Cyber High Ground May Soon Prove Pivotal

In Frankfurt am Main, Germany, authorities move to ban a German-language revisionist site on the World Wide Web that features many articles by such CODOH writers as Bradley Smith and Richard Widmann. In London, England revisionist historian David Irving posts to his Website the first dispatch from the “liberated” Auschwitz—it appeared in Pravda in 1945—as…

CODOH Sparks Campus Revisionism

At Washington State University on April 13, British historian David Irving presented the revisionist case to over four hundred university students and professors, thanks chiefly to the efforts of a Washington State student who works with the Committee for Open Discussion of the Holocaust—and to CODOH for advancing the money to secure the auditorium. At…

Smith’s Report no. 10, July 1992

Friend The Campus Project has been successful beyond anything we have done before. Holocaust revisionism has become a presence on dozens of university campuses. Seventeen student newspapers at major universities have published full page CODOH ads about revisionism. Papers that refuse to run the ads print editorials, interviews and columns explaining why. I have given…

New Campus Project Blitzkrieg

It’s never been more apparent. Something very deep is shifting in the way campus newspapers are reacting to the Campus Project. In campus editorial rooms there remains much of the old public hostility and unwillingness to face revisionist theory generally. But behind the scenes, a sea change appears to be welling through the psyches, the…

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