Author: Bradley R. Smith

Bradley R. Smith was born in Los Angeles on February 18, 1930. At 18 he joined the army and in 1951 served with the infantry in Korea where he was twice wounded. After three decades of a variety of professional activities, it suddenly hit him: In 1979 he read a leaflet by Professor Robert Faurisson, "The Problem of the Gas Chambers." Then, Arthur Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century did it for him. He understood from the beginning that he would address the censorship, the suppression of independent thought, the taboo against publishing and debating revisionist arguments—not the arguments themselves. That has remained his position. In 1989 Smith founded Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) dedicated to defending free speech and free inquiry into the Holocaust question. He handed over CODOH's helm in late 2014, but keeps contributing.

Read more about him here.

Phil Donahue Show

Bradley Smith Interview, Dec. 19, 2015

Jim Rizoli, for the League of Extraordinary Revisionists, interviews Bradley R. Smith, his 5th interview in the series.


Open Letter to John Silber, Chancellor of Boston University

Bradley R. SmithPO Box 439016San Diego CA 92143T & F [now invalid., ed.]E-mail: [now invalid, ed.]On the Web: ( 20 September 2000 Chancellor John SilberOffice of the ChancellorBoston University147 Bay State Road Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Dear John: I have your Open Letter to Colleges and Universities in which you address some of the issues raised…

The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith: Trapped in a Nazi Fantasyland

Marvin Stern, director for the Northwest Regional Branch of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), can't conceal his bewilderment over what he calls “the growing Holocaust revisionist movement.” Mr. Stern expressed his dismay in a column published in The Oregonian, the largest-circulation daily in the Northwest. His alarm was triggered by the appearance in that newspaper of…

The Rewards of War

It was dark and very cold and I had been walking for close to an hour. Now I turned West on Briggs and walked through the parking lot behind Gottschalks department store. At the corner of the building there I almost stepped on a sparrow lying on the concrete walk. The bird was still fluffy,…

Smith to “sissy” Hayes: Let’s share a beer

In his “Plain Talk” perspective Thursday about the Holocaust and Revisionism, Professor Peter Hayes charges me with manipulation, deception, distortion, ignorance, intimidation, nastiness, dishonesty, duplicity, maliciousness, tastelessness, the browbeating of academics like himself, conspiracy mongering, promoting implausibilities and spreading disinformation. Hayes evaded the challenge of addressing content, however, so I suppose you could say he…

What Smith Is Doing and Why?

First it was one thing then another and so on until one day I decided I wanted to make an effort to encourage open debate on the Holocaust controversy. That was more than ten years ago. It's been an uphill pull ever since. Why I should have committed myself to such an enterprise remains one…

Open Letter the “The Beacon”, William Patterson University

The BeaconStudent Center, Room 310William Patterson UniversityWayne New Jersey 07470Editor in Chief: Ryan L. CaiazzoNewsroom: 973 720 2248Email: 28 August 2,000 For Publication I run advertisements in student newspapers at college and university campuses around the country encouraging an open debate on the Jewish holocaust story. My ads have run some 300 times. On 17…

The Academic Year 1999-2000. A Summary

Twenty years ago Smith discovered revisionist theory regarding the Holocaust story. Nineteen years, eleven months and about 28 days ago he discovered that holocaust revisionism was taboo. After a year or two Smith lost interest in following the ins and outs of revisionist scholarship itself, but he remained fascinated with the ferocity with which the…

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