
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

V2 Rocket Camp and Lies After

In this 20 minute video, Jim Rizoli, shows how that the "Holocaust" atrocity propaganda uses misleading photos to advance its own agenda. Jim talks about the Nordhausen camp, which supplied prisoner labor for the V2 rocket program. The video, shows how the rockets were constructed and built underground. The V2 was designed by the brilliant German…

Franz Suchomel Describes the horrors of Treblinka to Claude Lanzmann (53:25 min)

In this 53 minute video, an “interview” of Franz Suchomel by a Jewish propagandist called Lanzmann is shown. Lanzmann secretly recorded Suchomel without his knowledge. It was released in 1985. Franz Suchomel (1907-1979) was a Sudeten German, who later joined the SS (Protective Squads). The SS were elite members of the NSDAP set up to…

Triumph of the Will from 1935 with Adolf Hitler. Movie Colourized for the First Time this Month (1:44:20)

This video of one hour and forty four minutes shows the film "Triumph of the Will".  The film was made in 1935.  The full movie in colour is here. The film was a great, inspiring film which was directed, produced, edited, and co-written by Leni Riefenstahl, one of the many famous women in Germany at…

Holocaust Fact Check The Franke-Gricksch N-Tower (1:01:24)

Alfred Franke-Gricksch (1906-1952) was a SS Obersturmfuhrer (about the same as a Leutenant Colonel in the US and British Armies). As part of his duties, during the Second World War, he visited two Concentration Camps (Auschwitz and Majdanek), 3 Labor camps, and the SS garrison at Lublin. Regarding Auschwitz, he wrote a report about the "extermination"…

Massacre at Dachau and other Allied War Crimes (1:21:00)

In this one hour and twenty one minute video, David Irving introduces Charles Provan (1955-2007) at a Focal Point meeting in 1999. Charles Provan was looking for the depositions of Doctor Georg Morgen (1909-1982), a Judge who investigated corruption in the concentration camps during the war. He turned himself over to the Americans who promptly…

Holocaust Survivors Take Lie-Detector Tests Are They Being Honest We find out. Maury

In this three minute video, a "Holocaust" survivor makes a number of claims which fail a lie detector test. She claims for example, that the Germans had a switch that could turn showers from Zyclon B gas to water. Also how Youtube is adopting more repressive laws to repress free speech, to applease Jewish leaders…

The Holocaust Lie in 9 Minutes David Irving

In this nine minute video, the brilliant, revisionist writer and researcher, David Irving, completely destroys the "Holocaust" atrocity hate propaganda lie. David shows that there is not one German "document" which talks about "gas chambers" or a "gassing of the Jews". There is no reference in German letters, diaries, notes, photocopies to "gas chambers". David shows…

School and Theatre in Westerbork Concentration Camp (39 Sec.)

Westerbork was a transit camp in Holland where Jews were collected before being deported eastwards. German policy, was to empty Western Europe of Jews and move them to the German occupied territories in the east. Despite claims by "Holocaust" atrocity liars, the German policy was a humane one. Here this short video (of 38 seconds) shows…

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