
Some 20% of post-war Polish territory is made up of former German lands; hence, some 20% of today’s Polish towns and cities once bore German names. All place names have long since been Polonized – all, except for one town, which displays bilingual entry signs: Auschwitz. Ethnically speaking, Oswiecim was never German. So why would the fiercely nationalistic Poles retain the Germanized name? Because it is big business. For the world at large, Auschwitz is synonymous with the Holocaust, and it represents the pinnacle of Nazi evil. Yet here we do not focus on the symbol which Auschwitz has become, but on the Auschwitz camp and its numerous satellite camps, such as Birkenau, Monowitz, Harmense, Raisko, etc.

Sauna a “Crime”?

A noteworthy article appeared in the German daily newspaper Die Welt in the section “Welt der Wissenschaft” on February 7, 1997, under the title “When the Memories of a Witness become murky” about an American study on this phenomenon. Around the same time we reviewed the book Die Todesfabrik[1] by Kraus and Kulka about the…

Engineer’s Deathbed Confession: We Built Morgues, not Gas Chambers

Who is Walter Schreiber? Walter Schreiber was born in 1908 and died in 1999 at the age of 91 in Vienna. He studied civil engineering at the Technical University in Vienna and worked first on the construction of the alpine high altitude road "Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße" as assistant to the construction manager. After an extended period of…

A Somewhat Different Auschwitz Trial

Walter Dejaco (left) and Fritz Ertl (right): The contractors of the crematoria of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Thanks to an expert report they were acquitted. During the years 1964/65, a giant Auschwitz trial took place in Frankfurt, Germany. Almost all defendants accused of having participated in the crimes claimed to have been committed in this camp were eventually…

The Morgues of the Crematoria at Birkenau in the Light of Documents

In the historical expert opinion drawn up for Deborah Lipstadt in the libel trial launched against her by David Irving (January 11 to April 11, 2000), Robert Jan van Pelt, when he was unable to find any proof of the reality of the extermination of Jews in gas chambers at Auschwitz, amassed all the available…

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 5

A Potpourri of Lies Filip Müller is probably one of the best known witnesses who reported intensively about mass exterminations in the Birkenau camp.[1] Together with two other witnesses, Müller was tracked down by Hermann Langbein from the communist International Auschwitz Committee, and their statements were sent to the Stuttgart public prosecution on February 19,…

On the Piper-Meyer-Controversy

1. Significance of the controversy In my article “The Four Million Figure of Auschwitz: Origin, Revisions, and Consequences,”[1] I concluded an analysis of the history and consequences of Franciszek Piper's revision of the Soviet propaganda figure of 4 million deaths at Auschwitz with the following words: “Thus this 'critical spirit' of the Auschwitz museum, who…

The “Gas Testers” of Auschwitz

Introduction In 1989, Prof. Faurisson's challenge[1] to offer him one single tangible proof for the existence of National Socialist homicidal gas chambers – beyond untrustworthy 'eyewitness' testimonies – resulted in an emphatic response by French scholar Jean-Claude Pressac. In a massive work he presented "39 criminal traces" for the existence of homicidal gas chambers.[2] All…

Just Call Me Meyer – A Farewell to “Obviousness”

In The Revisionist no. 1/2003, a series of articles on a new controversy over the death toll of the Auschwitz concentration camp was published under the title “Auschwitz: The Dwindling Death Toll” (pp. 18-37). This new controversy had been triggered by Fritjof Meyer, a leading journalist for Germany's largest news magazine Der Spiegel. In the…

Three Revisionist Classics

Germar Rudolf, The Rudolf Report. Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the ‘Gas Chambers’ of Auschwitz, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, 456 pp., paperback, $30.- / hardcover, $45.-. Germar Rudolf (ed.), Dissecting The Holocaust. The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory’, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, 616 pp., paperback, $30. Arthur…

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