
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

The Origin of the Soviet Report on the “Next-Generation” Homicidal Gas Chamber at Sachsenhausen

According to the standard accounts of the camp, Sachsenhausen possessed a small homicidal gas chamber from 1943 to 1945, in which several thousand people were killed. This chamber, however, has received only a marginal treatment in the literature. One of the reasons for this marginality is that the technical operation of this chamber clashes with…

The Karski Report: The Holocaust in Miniature

This issue of Inconvenient History features an article by Friedrich Jansson that is appropriate to the Year 2014, designated by the Sejm (legislature) of Poland the Year of (Jan) Karski, the intrepid courier/witness for the London-based government-in-exile of Poland, born in Poland one hundred years ago. The article discloses, for the first time of which…

Jan Karski’s Visit to Belzec

“Claude Lanzmann: There are no survivors of Belzec. Jan Karski: There are a lot of them!” “One man who tried to stop the Holocaust.” “The first witness to the Holocaust.” Superlatives have never been lacking in descriptions of the Polish courier Jan Karski. His celebrity has extended to academia, where much ink has been spilled…

The “Report on Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen” (Prisoner’s Report) of 12 June 1945

One of the earliest postwar sources about Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp is the so-called “Prisoner’s Report” which was compiled under the supervision of Hellmut Bock, a communist and former inmate of the camp. The first draft was ready by 7 May, just two weeks after the SS had left the camp. The German original of this…

The Importance of Anne Frank

By Richard A. Widmann and David Merlin – The story of Anne Frank and her family is well-known through the diary bearing her name. This tragic tale is frequently used to counter Holocaust revisionists. The details of the story are often forgotten or replaced with assumptions regarding the fates of Anne Frank and her family….

The Smithsonian Institution’s Documentary “Treblinka: Hitler’s Killing Machine”

David Merlin Addresses the Smithsonian Institution with Regard to Its Program Titled “Treblinka: Hitler’s Killing Machine” Chancellor John G. Roberts Jr.Smithsonian InstitutionPO Box 37012SI Building, Room 153, MRC 010Washington, D.C. 20013-7012To Smithsonian Channel:[email protected] May 21, 2014 Dear Chancellor Roberts: I have long enjoyed Smithsonian magazine and admired the Smithsonian Institution. Therefore I feel constrained to…

The Jewish News Reviews “The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax”

Ms. Lori Lowenthal Marcus US CorrespondentThe Jewish Press 4915 16th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11204NY Telephone Number718.330.1100Out-of-State Telephone 1.800.992.1600 02 April 2014 Dear Ms. Marcus, I am writing to comment on your review of The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax where you write, "it sounds pretty much like old lies repackaged in a new format." While…

Gypsy Holocaust?

1. The Holocaust Conference on the Persecution of the Gypsies Starting on 3 October 1991, at the Auschwitz State Museum at Auschwitz-Birkenau, an international conference was held on the topic of the persecution of the Gypsies during the Second World War. The related papers were published in 1998 in a book entitled Sinti und Roma…

Comparative Review of Two Works on the Aktion Reinhardt Camps

Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard: A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues, by Jonathan Harrison, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Jason Myers, Sergey Romanov, and Nicholas Terry, Holocaust Controversies; 2011, 570 pp. and The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”: An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the…

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