(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Police Search!

Today at 7.45 am four police officers carried out an extensive search of my house. They acted under a warrant issued by the Parisian examining magistrate (juge d'instruction) Jean-Paul Valat. Three of them had come from Paris and the fourth from the local Vichy police station. They found none of the objects for which they…

Censorship Ordered Against Adelaide Institute Website

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell An Australian commission ordered that the Adelaide Institute stop publishing Holocaust revisionist material on their Website. The curiously named Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission does not support freedom of speech when it comes to revisionist material. The Commission ordered Dr. Frederick Toben to remove all…

Open Letter to John Silber, Chancellor of Boston University

Bradley R. SmithPO Box 439016San Diego CA 92143T & F [now invalid., ed.]E-mail: [now invalid, ed.]On the Web: (www.codoh.com) 20 September 2000 Chancellor John SilberOffice of the ChancellorBoston University147 Bay State Road Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Dear John: I have your Open Letter to Colleges and Universities in which you address some of the issues raised…

Warning: Column may be offensive

A lot of complaints to The Daily in the past week have not been about misquotes, errors or bad headlines, amazingly enough. Most regarded a full-page advertisement from Bradley R Smith that ran April 4, advocating open debate and free speech on the Holocaust. Others were about Bill Colwell's perspective Monday, which insisted that importing…

The Anatomy of a Riot

The following is a couple of headlines that appeared in two Toronto dailies on Monday, May 31, in the aftermath of the Allan Gardens riot that occurred in Toronto on Sunday, May 30, 1965: Mob Beats 'Nazis' in Park Hate-Riot [The Toronto Telegram, front-page headline]…mob shouts 'kill, kill, kill' as it looks for Nazis [part…

Butz fireside canceled after students’ protest

A fireside featuring controversial electrical engineering Assoc. Prof. Arthur Butz scheduled for last night was canceled because of student outrage and conflicts with the Jewish holiday of Purim. Butz, a “Holocaust revisionist,” denies that the Nazis had a policy of mass killings of Jews during World War II. He was scheduled to speak on “A…

The Anatomy of a Hoax

Often, a bogus charge of anti-Semitism (or racism) is made because of values or opinions or beliefs expressed in a public forum. Consider the case of one Thomas Speers of Waterbury, CT, whose expression of free speech, ironically, landed him in court at the behest of the the radio talk show host whose program Speers…

Smith to “sissy” Hayes: Let’s share a beer

In his “Plain Talk” perspective Thursday about the Holocaust and Revisionism, Professor Peter Hayes charges me with manipulation, deception, distortion, ignorance, intimidation, nastiness, dishonesty, duplicity, maliciousness, tastelessness, the browbeating of academics like himself, conspiracy mongering, promoting implausibilities and spreading disinformation. Hayes evaded the challenge of addressing content, however, so I suppose you could say he…

Some plain talk about the Holocaust and Revisionism

When this newspaper printed Bradley Smith's advertisment last Thursday (“The Holocaust Story,” April 4, page 11), it fanned not one, but two, gathering controversies on campus. The first concerns our knowledge about the Nazi massacre of the Jews of Europe. The second centers on the policies of The Daily itself. Surprisingly perhaps, the first issue…

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