
On organizations dealing with the Holocaust; their history, mission, activities, and events, both revisionist and exterminationist.

Internet Roundup

In past columns I have discussed many of the values that the Internet affords revisionism. One of the greatest advantages, however, is one that I have not yet mentioned, that is, “networking.” Through use of electronic-mail (email) revisionists have been able to communicate faster and more efficiently. This has been of great importance in emergency…

Smith and Smith on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

No. it's not the Three Tenors—it's the Two Smiths, Bradley and Hans (all right, Schmidt). Like Richard Widmann and Fred Toben. Hans and I toured the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum the month it opened, and afterwards I interviewed Hans on video. In exchange for your contribution I will send you this informative video discussion “in…

Department of Defense Targets CODOH and the Campus Project

We recently received a copy of a published report titled Holocaust Revisionism, in which both CODOH and its director, yours truly, figure prominently. Neither that, nor the fact that the document relies heavily on stock ADL “anti-anti-Semitic” boilerplate, nor the circumstance that its text is extraordinarily banal, would by itself merit treating Holocaust Revisionism separately…

New Revisionist Quarterly is Launched in Europe

We are pleased to report the imminent appearance of a brand-new, scholarly revisionist journal, the German-language Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung (literally, Quarterly for Free Historical Research). Publisher of the VffG is the estimable Flemish revisionist house Stiftung Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (Foundation for Free Historical Inquiry [see SR38, December 1996, “Revisionism Rampant Round the Globe,” p….

SR Worldscope on Revisionism and Revisionists

Publication of David Irving’s Goebbels by Lyle Stuart’s Barricade Press set for August, according to the 10 February issue of Publisher’s Weekly, bible of the book industry. Despite Stuart’s record of publishing outre books (such as Dr. William Pierce’s sanguinary Turner Diaries), we’ll believe it when we see it. Latest from the Northwestern front: a…

Revisionist Focus: Verlag der Freunde

In last issue’s “Revisionism Rampant ‘round the Globe,” which we aim to make a periodical update on what revisionist individuals and groups are accomplishing and enduring worldwide, we stated that the Verlag der Freunde, a Berlin-based outfit, published Nazi materials, including an SS song book. On December 11, we received a letter from Andreas Roehler,…

The Japanese Schindler

Recently our Japanese friend. Aiji Kimura (see, most recently, SR 37, November 1996), sent us a copy of the first issue of his newsletter, called (in English) Journal for Historical Review. We can’t read Japanese, and thus can’t decipher the newsletter—all the more frustrating because its first page includes a headline in English: “Rife with…

Good-bye Harvard, Hello JDL

In the last two issues of SR, we reported on the emergence of a new player in the “watchdog” industry, a Web site that called itself (somewhat grandiloquently) “The Harvard Law School Library's Guide to Hate Groups on the Internet.” The “Guide” was of particular relevance, of course, because its listings included the Committee for…

A Tale of Two Harvards

This summer the Harvard Law Library began disseminating, on the World Wide Web, something called “The Harvard Law School Library's Guide to Hate Groups on the Internet.” The “Guide” rounds up the usual suspects, including “Skinheads,” “Neo-Nazis,” “White Power,” and the like, and excludes the usual non-suspects, such as the Jewish Defense League, which has…

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