

Lucid, Comprehensive Work Details Early Zionist Efforts to Seize Palestine

Patrick O'Reilly is the pen name of a Indiana writer who makes his living in the insurance business. Born in 1954, he has earned a B.A. degree in communications and public policy from the University of California-Berkeley. This remarkable book tells, truthfully and in detail, the story of the early stages of the Zionist colonization…

Three Jewish Views

'Disease' of 'Holocaust Teaching' … I find something obscene and irrelevant about the widespread concern in Jewish and friendly Christian educational circles with “Teaching the Holocaust.” There is no need to teach the Holocaust; humanity already knows only too well how to do it. One of the most ghoulish “Teaching the Holocaust” devices I have…

The Dachau Gas Chamber Myth

One of the most prominent camps featured in the early years of the Holocaust extermination campaign was Dachau. Stories abounded about the many thousands who were exterminated there in gas chambers. Members of a us congressional committee stood inside the alleged gas chamber where so many had died, and had their picture taken for the…

‘No Gas Chambers’ Says Influential Japanese Magazine

Under the provocative headline, “The Greatest Taboo of Postwar World History: There were no Nazi ‘Gas Chambers’,” a ten-page revisionist article appeared in the February 1995 issue of Marco Polo, an influential and reputable Japanese magazine. Packed with advertising for luxury goods by major international firms, and sprinkled with photographs of pretty young women, Marco…

Book Detailing Jewish Crimes Against Germans Banned

Germany's cultural-political establishment no longer orders the destruction of “socially dangerous” literature in public bonfires. Today it resorts to more modern, environment-friendly methods to destroy “undesirable” books. In February 1995, thousands of copies of a revisionist work detailing postwar Jewish crimes against Germans were destroyed, following bitter attacks by Germany's cultural establishment. The book, An…

Estonia: Emerging From Communism

Yuri N. Maltsev, a native of Russia, escaped from the Soviet Union a few years before its downfall. He is associate professor of economics at Carthage College (Kenosha, Wise.), and a senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute (Auburn, Ala. 36849-5301). This essay is reprinted from the Nov. 1994 issue of The Free Market,…

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