

Hitler’s Hometown

Hitler's Hometown: Linz, Austria, 1908-1945, by Evan Burr Buckey. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1986, xv + 288 pages, hardbound, $27.50, ISBN 0-253-32833-0. Tracing the transition of Linz, Austria from a peaceful Danubian entrepôt in the waning years of the Emperor Franz Josef to one of Europe's major industrial and manufacturing centers, this comprehensive account…

In the United States a Jewish Professor Takes the Revisionist Path

Why Did the Heavens not Darken? The 'Final Solution' in History, by Arno J. Mayer. New York: Pantheon, 1988, Hb., 492 pages, $27.95, ISBN 0-394-57154-1. In its May 1989 issue, Newsweek described (pp. 64-65) a “storm over a new book” devoted to “the extermination of the Jews” during the Second World War. The book is…

An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood

An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood by Neal Gabler. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1988. Hardcover, 502 pp., illustrated, $24.95, ISBN 0-51746808-X. Much of An Empire of Their Own reads like a press agent release for the stereotypical Hollywood movie producer. Having originally subtitled his book How Zukor, Laemmle, Fox, Cohn…

Innocent in Dachau

An unusual set of circumstances, over which I had only limited control, and timing, over which I had no control whatsoever, determined the course of my military career and led me to work as a court reporter at Dachau for the 7708 War Crimes Group in Germany after my discharge from the Army. Arriving in…

Antisemitism in the Contemporary World

Antisemitism in the Contemporary World. Edited by Michael Curtis. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1986, 333 pp., $42.50. ISBN 0-81330157-2. In November 1983, a conference … “Antisemitism in the Contemporary World” … was held at Rutgers University. This book, a collection of papers which were presented by renowned scholars attending the conference, deals with what its…

Atrocities, Then and Now

“Most shocking barbarities begin to be reported as practiced … upon the wounded and prisoners … that fall into their hands,” read an editorial in the New York Times. “We are told of their slashing the throats of some from ear to ear; of their cutting off the heads of others and kicking them about…

Israel’s Sacred Terrorism

Israel's Sacred Terrorism, by Livia Rokach Belmont Mass: AAUG Press, 1986, third ed. Paperback, 63 pages, $6, ISBN 0-937694-70-3. BLAMING THE VICTIMS, Edward Said and Christopher Hitchins, eds. London: Verso/New Left Books, 1988. Paperback, 296 pages, $15, ISBN 046091487 4. “Terrorism … terrorists.” Most people who read the ugly words in the newspapers probably take…

Christianity, Truth and Fantasy: The Holocaust, Historical Revisionism and Christians Today

The early Christians were champions of the truth, not myth and fantasy. They spoke and wrote on the basis of solid evidence. Peter wrote: We didn't follow any clever myths when we told you about the power of our Lord Jesus Christ and His coming. No. With our own eyes we saw His majesty. God…

Lessons from Dachau

Dachau: 1933-45, The Official History; by Paul Berben. London: The Norfolk Press, 1975, Hardcover, 300 pages, ISBN 0-85211-009-X. Sometimes important “revisionist” works are produced, not by the revisionists, but by believers in Exterminationist theory. A case in point is Arno Mayer's Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?, which downplays Auschwitz as a center of gassings…

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