Shoah Business

There is no business like Shoah business – except maybe waging war, which is even more profitable – for some. Papers listed in this section deal with what Norman G. Finkelstein called the “exploitation of Jewish suffering” – not just for financial ends. As a matter of fact, the “Auschwitz club” is a formidable weapon to wield against perceived political opponents anywhere in the world. Hence, it’s big business, indeed.

Believer Math

David Cole is getting heat from Believer Extremists like    Cole, a Revisionist Apostate, is being smeared as a "Denier" because he is a couple of million short of the sacred figure 6,000,000.   Actually, the 6,000,000 does seem somewhat magical itself.  Originally derived from "actual figures" of Extermination Camp Deaths the number is a…

Arad on Majdanek

Holocaust historians claim that the Holocaust is the most-documented event in human history. Holocaust revisionists on the other hand not only dispute this, but say that the storyline is full of contradictions and impossibilities. What to make of this? Majdanek Museum Sometimes it can be pretty hard to figure things out. So let’s try something…

Trudeau Blots his Politically Correct Copy Book

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tours the National Holocaust Monument last week… Something missing? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has blotted his Politically Correct copy book at the unveiling of Canada latest Holocaust Memorial when it was noticed that the  memorial was missing any reference to Jewish people. Conservative MP;David Sweet is looking to get answers!In a…

Banned Books Week Official Has No Sympathy for Revisionist Books Banned by Amazon

In the wake of our article on “Books Banned by Banned Books Week”—concerning “Holocaust denial” volumes policed out of the banned category—we received an e-mail from James LaRue, director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, which administers Banned Books Week. This organization appears to mainly promote the freedom to read proscribed books that don’t…

Books Banned by “Banned Books Week”

In September of 2017 we found ourselves in the midst of the American Library Association’s annual “Banned Books Week,” the eponymous celebration of books forbidden by censors and pressure groups in the United States. While the event purports to focus on volumes deemed too dangerous for impressionable minds, the daring entries showcased this year included…

Anne Frank, a Cold Case?

A former FBI agent named Vincent Pankoke has set up a website and is trying to raise money to “crack the case of Anne Frank,” specifically trying to identify who was behind "the betrayal that led to her death in a concentration camp." He is trying to fund it to the tune of $5 million.  As Pankoke's website puts it, "On August 4, 1944,…

Bill 720

Revisionists and all people concerned with Free Speech should be concerned with the antics of the United States Congress regarding Senate Bill 720, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act. The bill is framed to "defend Israel from economic attacks" by the United Nations, specifically calls to boycott or "blacklist" companies that support Israeli activities in the Occupied…

The Southern Poverty Law Center Scam

Hello Mr. Stewart, Thank you for your inquiry regarding the tagging of CODOH as an "Active Holocaust Denial Hate Group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. As I mentioned in our conversation, the characterization of the CODOH as a hate group is incorrect. CODOH is open to all people interested in history and free…

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