
The burning of the German Parliamentary building on 27 February 1933 was used by the German Government under Hitler to justify its campaign of abolishing civil rights and erecting a dictatorship. Was it a false flag operation masterminded by the Nazis to take total control of the German state? Or was it a communist arson attack merely misused by Hitler’s administration to further its own agenda? Parallels to the events of Sept. 11, 2001, and their repercussions on U.S. society, are purely coincidental…

Fire in the Reichstag

By the early 1930s, the situation in Germany was becoming highly explosive. A third of the workers were unemployed, and democracy was on the verge of collapse. The Communists saw in this their best opportunity to seize power since their abortive revolution in 1918. A revolution was clearly in the offing, but despite the support…

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