Revisionism to the WORLD!
Here is a partial list of articles, letters and book chapters that Richard Widmann and David Thomas added to CODOHWeb in English, German and French—after reestablishing our site on 14 July.
7/14/96 Annex added to the English translation of Roger Garaudy's The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics, with the following titles: Letter from Abbé Pierre to Roger Garaudy, 13 May, 1996; Letter from Pastor Roger Parmentier to Roger Garaudy, 11 May, 1996; The Cry of a Deportee; and Indignation of an Israeli Writer.
English translation of Part II: The Myths of the 20th Century from Roger Garaudy's Founding Myths.
7/15/96 Victim of Witch-hunt for Scientists in Germany, press release by Germar Rudolf.
7/22/96 Florent Brayard et les Menteurs, a book review by Henri Roques.
—Activated NewsDesk section, Le temps irreparable, Paris, and Der Lesesaal, with 10 current articles in English, French and German.
7/23/96 Der Wert von Aussagen und Geständnissen zum Holocaust, by Germar Rudolf.
8/1/96 Modest Events (1996, 1951, 1964, 1979) excerpt from Break His Bones, by Bradley Smith.
The following chapters added to Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte:
Die Zeugen der Gaskammern von Auschwitz, by Robert Faurisson. Statistisches über die Holocaust-Opfer—W. Benz und W.N. Sanning im Vergleich, by Germar Rudolf. Zu guter Letzt, by Germar Rudolf.
8/2/96 Le Petit Garcon de Varsovie, by Mark Weber, French translation by Jean-Francois Beaulieu.
8/8/96 The following four pieces were added to Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte:
Holzschutz durch Blausäure-Begasung—Blaufärbung von Kalkzement-Innenputz, by Germar Rudolf. Babi Jar: Kritische Fragen und Anmerkungen, by Herbert Tiedemann. Bild-“Dokumente” zur NS-Judenverfolgung?, by Udo Walendy. Die Gaswagen—Kritische Würdigung der Beweislage, by Ingrid Weckert.
Florent Brayard and the Liars, a book review by Henri Roques.
8/10/96 Die Krematoriumsöfen von Auschwitz-Birkenau. (With this addition, Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte is complete.)
“No Gassing in Dachau,” by Dr. Martin Broszat.
G7 Threat to OnLine Free Speech and Privacy.
8/17/96 Milices Juives: Quinze ans et plus de terrorisme, en France, by Robert Faurisson.
David Irving's Reply to Professor Jeffrey Shallit's “Lies of Our Times”.
8/18/96 David Irving's Action Report, AR #10.
8/20/96 Announcement of Smith's OnLine Review.
8/25/96 Response to Simon Wiesenthal Center's Breitbart Report by Roger Bartlett.
Coming Soon – Smith's OnLine Review.
We have had more than 3,000 (!) visits to CODOHWeb since 14 July—a powerful performance.
Bibliographic information about this document: Smith's Report, no. 35, September 1996, pp. 7f.
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a