The Lie of the Six Million
Editor’s Remark: This article is reprinted here as a historical document of early Holocaust revisionism outside of occupied Germany. Inconvenient History does not claim that any of the statements made in it are correct (or incorrect, for that matter). Since none of the claims made are backed up with verifiable sources, this has to be read as an opinion piece by an evidently pro-National-Socialist individual. In particular the claim that National-Socialist Germany had a right to incarcerate all Jews as members of a belligerent nation is untenable under international law, and is also in violation of CODOH’s prime directive to oppose views which justify the violation of anyone’s civil rights. The collective incarceration without due process of German and Italian nationals and Americans of Japanese descent in Allied countries was just as wrong as the collective incarceration of Jews in Germany.
For an OCR-processed PDF file of the original German-language article, see the bottom of this article.
“The position of the Jewish people in the world today is ten times stronger than it was 20 years ago, despite the enormous losses.”
—Dr. Max Nußbaum, former rabbi of the Jewish community of Berlin, on April 11, 1953
Whether the Jewish people have increased their power ninefold or tenfold in the last two decades cannot be stated with mathematical precision. However, there is no doubt that it has expanded considerably. The 17-million-strong Jewish nation, quite insignificant in terms of numbers, with a miniature state that does not even deserve the name, almost without its own armed forces and without technical means of power, is far ahead of all other peoples on earth, and not just in relative terms, but in absolute terms.
How was it able to achieve this leading position, almost unnoticed?
The answer is very simple: because it recognized the nature of power. Real power cannot be coerced by force, it is given to the powerful by those who submit to it. Real power is based on acceptance by the powerless. As soon as naked force has to be used to maintain power, it is already broken. The Jews have therefore always looked for ways and means to persuade non-Jewish mankind to submit voluntarily, to accept them, and they were able to find and use such means without people realizing that they were submitting. They changed the external face of power by adapting it to human needs or, if there were no such needs, by creating them. The Jews did nothing other than – non-violently – take matters into their own hands. Whoever owned (or even controlled) the gold, decided the weal and woe of the nations. The cigarette breaks the smoker’s sense of freedom and character. He bends over voluntarily. Whoever takes credit accepts the right to interest. But where he does not accept it, he places himself in the wrong and loses all power in the wrong. The Christian recognizes the Jewish people as the chosen people because this is an essential part of his religion. The non-violent path to power goes through the needs of the people.
Hitler Cleared the View
Of course, power itself is also a need. Even as an individual, a person does not like to subjugate himself, but prefers to rule; at best, however, he wants to see the community to which he feels he belongs not subjugated, not powerless, but powerful. If he becomes aware that another person or another human community is out to diminish his power, he spontaneously mobilizes his defensive forces. He offers resistance, and in this way alone sets limits to his opponent’s striving for power, even if he is defeated. As long as his resistance continues, openly or secretly, the opponent’s power is unsecured and can break with every change in circumstances. So where power is sought by means of violence, this becomes quite blatant, and provokes resistance from those against whom the violence is directed. The Jews, innately familiar with the psychology of man, largely avoided the use of violence in order to avoid the resistance it caused. Their fierce struggle for power was extremely well camouflaged and hardly ever appeared as militant action. As a result, the success of this power struggle, the increase in power, remained hidden from the majority of people. The Jews managed to access the great machinery of human needs almost unnoticed.

Only Hitler and his National Socialists set fire to the peaceful democratic veil in front of the scene, and gave people a view of the dungeon in which they had just been walled up. The resistance awoke and drove a wave of anti-Judaism through the world, which threatened to wash away the hard-won successes of Judaism. After the initial horror, Judaism acted logically: it provoked violence and asserted violence wherever possible. It ruthlessly used all the power it had gained up to that point to pin the mark of violence on the dangerous Hitler. For only in the guise of violence could he appear to mankind as a threat and a menace, and arouse their resistance, this time on the side of the Jews. Although Jewry dominated almost the entire apparatus of influence through art, the press, sport, film, theater and radio, its counteraction was unable to gain ground for a long time. Hitler’s ideas penetrated deeper and deeper. The necessity of forcing Hitler into a war, a war that he had to cause, as a demonstration of his violence, so to speak, was recognized by many Jews as early as 1934.
When this war came and was finally lost for Hitler, it became clear that it was not at all suitable to serve as a demonstration in the desired way. Certainly, they had succeeded (with rather cunning tricks) in drawing half of humanity into the war, but in doing so, they resorted to the same violence that they accused Hitler of; indeed, the unbiased observer soon gained the impression from a comparison that the violence used against the Germans and Japanese had reached a far higher degree of cruelty and perfection, a degree that went beyond the necessity of the war, and called into question the predetermined war aim, the elimination of violence.
Murder of Millions Necessary
The Allies were about to lose the right to this war, to this ‘crusade,’ because of the way they had conducted the war. Leading Jewish minds in Washington realized that this right could no longer be preserved by forcing Germany (as 25 years earlier) to acknowledge its war guilt. Inspired by Henry Morgenthau, the first plans emerged at the end of 1943 to prove that Hitler had planned genocide in a large-scale operation. The ‘War Crimes Commission’ was formed, which initially contented itself with proving the intention of genocide from the existing Nazi literature. But even before the invasion, several thousand Jews were trained in short courses as ‘interrogators,’ and assigned to the US army at officer rank. Their task was to ‘interrogate’ a certain category of Germans according to predetermined guidelines and, with a wealth of ‘statements’ and ‘confessions,’ to form an indictment against National Socialism that would shake the world to its core. Initially, the Nazi crimes to be investigated were to affect all peoples equally, but in the course of time, Chaim Weizman, together with leading Zionists, insisted that the investigations should above all involve a tremendous blood sacrifice by Jewry.
In March 1945, the figure of eleven million Jews was set, under which the first interrogations actually began. Opposition to this obviously implausible figure came from the ranks of Jewry itself, and eventually led to the figure being reduced to SIX MILLION. This is where the first directorial errors arose, which initially made individual personalities all over the world suspicious, and subsequently led to critical investigations of the Jewish statements and claims. The clumsily naïve part of Jewry, personified by the Bavarian State Commissioner Philipp Auerbach, carelessly clung to the 11-million figure under the impression of the seemingly complete victory over Germany. The interrogation machine that was started produced a total result of more than 190 million people killed. When the results of the ‘witness statements’ were added up for the first time in the evaluation center, and this figure was arrived at, people were horrified. Hitler should have destroyed practically the entire European population under his control. But this population was still there and alive. Although it was immediately forbidden to publish the total result, it leaked out. Investigations by committees appointed by Congress and Senate were the result, and later led to the dismissal of the ‘interrogators’ one by one.
Well-known Jewish columnists such as Blau and Lippman wisely and – they hoped in good time – beat a retreat. Blau spoke of ‘a sophisticated hoax.’ But it was obviously already too late, the suspicion of a monstrous forgery had arisen.
Before the War
In the Weimar Republic, which had not exactly given the Germans security and prosperity, the number of Jews doubled (through immigration), and Jewish wealth increased a hundredfold. This was one of the reasons for the National-Socialist Party’s hostility towards Jews when it took over the German government in 1933. Of course, hostility towards Jews did not only exist during this period and not only among the National Socialists, but has always existed wherever Jews were present. It often took on quite bloody forms in the Middle East, Spain, France and Eastern Europe. Not so in Germany. Even when the National Socialists came to power, it was not accompanied by a bloody pogrom. Even in the so-called Kristallnacht of 1938, which was preceded by the Jewish murders of Gustloff and vom Rath, no blood was shed.[1]
The National-Socialist government’s hostility towards Jews was reflected politically in a completely different way. It was made clear to the Jews in Germany that their public influence would be restricted. They were not to be granted the rights of German citizens, but were not to suffer any harm to life and limb. They were indirectly encouraged to emigrate, and were given as much support as possible. Hitler himself negotiated with leading representatives of Judaism in order to speed up emigration.
One recalls Dr. Alosoff, Tel Aviv, who wanted to settle 250,000 German Jews in the Jordan Valley in 1934 after consulting with Hitler. On the eve of his journey to the Jordan, he was shot dead on the beach at Jaffa. The shots were fired from a British military vehicle. One minute after the murder, a British police car arrived at the scene. And twelve minutes later, the British Broadcasting Company broadcast the murder news to the world. The perpetrators were never identified. The steps that Hitler took to free the island of Madagascar for the Jews were often met with strange resistance from all sides.
The treatment of Jews in Germany in the years 1933-39 was nowhere cruel. There were a number of boycotts, but there were no public (lynch) killings as in the USA, or mysterious deaths and strange accidents as in many other countries. It is obvious that no one feels comfortable when their influence and business opportunities are restricted. On the other hand, after their experiences with the Jews, the Germans believed they had a right to introduce these restrictions. They created the legal basis for this in the Nuremberg Laws. There was no apparent intention to exterminate the Jews through genocide; it would have required other measures and preparations.
Of the 540,000 Jews living in the territory of the Old Reich, 320,000 emigrated by the beginning of the war, and a further 65,000 during the war; of the 280,000 Jews in Austria, 220,000 emigrated; of the 340,000 Jews in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, 260,000 emigrated, only a very small proportion of them illegally. As a rule, emigration took place legally and in the manner desired by those affected.
In the early years, they were allowed to export the monetary value of their possessions and movable goods. It was only after the deterioration of the Reich’s foreign-exchange situation that restrictions were imposed on the transfer of assets, but not on the assets themselves. The fact that considerable tax evasion often came to light on the occasion of sales, especially of the real-estate assets of companies etc., which led to fines, was not the rule. There is no doubt that an emigrant generally suffered a certain loss, as he was not always able to obtain the most-favorable selling price. But those who were not wanted for a crime did not have to flee across the border in the dark with 30 or 50 kg of luggage. It does not contradict the legal intentions of the German government that it paid the full salary of Jews dismissed from the civil service abroad until 1938, and the normal pension after the murder of E. vom Rath – until the end of the war. It should not go unmentioned that the Jews who stayed behind were subjected to manifold slights and humiliations. But there was still a huge difference between this and physical extermination. Incidentally, the Jews abroad made up for this with an exaggerated hate propaganda. It should also be noted that, until well into the war, no Jew was sent to a concentration camp because he was Jewish.
They Waged War
The part played by world Jewry in bringing about the last world war does not need to be particularly proven (Emil Ludwig [Cohn] 1938 in The New Holy Alliance, Strasbourg: “…For although Hitler may want to avoid the war that could engulf him at the last moment, he will nevertheless be forced to go to war…”) Jewry does not deny it. That it acted as a belligerent power in this war, even if not with its own troops, also needs no proof. A few days before the official outbreak of war, Chaim Weizman issued the official declaration of war against Germany on behalf of world Jewry at the 25th Zionist Congress in Geneva. In the first week of September 1939, the rabbis of the British Mandate of Palestine declared a ‘holy war’ against Germany, and sent a corresponding address to the British king. Similar addresses followed from all over the world.
1.2 million Jews served as soldiers in the Allied forces during the war, and around 200,000 (mainly members of the Red Army) died in combat. De facto, even without a state of its own, Jewry appeared to be a belligerent power (consequently, it also based its reparation claims on this!), and this entitled the German government to regard and treat every Jew as a member of an enemy power, i.e. to confiscate his property and intern him itself, as happened to the Germans in Allied countries. Strangely enough, the German authorities only made use of this right very late and often only very partially. This is all the more reproachable as Jewry applied the laws of total war from the very beginning, according to which everyone, whether man or woman, soldier or civilian, had to participate in the war according to his or her ability.
Let the Numbers Speak for Themselves[2]
As already mentioned, there were 1,160,000 Jews living in the territory of the Reich (including the Protectorate). Of these, 865,000 emigrated by the end of the war, only a small percentage illegally. Surveillance was tightened during the war, Jews had to wear ID badges, and in some cases report periodically to the police, but general internment under wartime law only took place in the last years of the war. Of the 295,000 Jews who remained in the country, a total of 90,000 died as a result of old age, illness, deprivation and air raids, of which only 28% were interned. Around a thousand Jews were sentenced to death and executed. The relatively high mortality rate can be explained by the fact that those who remained behind were predominantly people of the older generation, who were already vulnerable to the increasing privations and hardships of the war due to their age, in addition to the psychological strain of their situation and, towards the end of the war, the internment, which was particularly hard in the last months due to the disruption of supplies. However, comparisons show that the mortality rate of this generation was almost as high among the German population, especially in the large cities. There were certainly numerous abuses in the camps, but they certainly did not correspond to the picture that was painted of them after the war.
204,000 Jews from the territories of the Reich should have been present at the end of the war. According to the Allies, they actually found more than 200,000. In the course of 1945, a further 22,000 people who had been interned in the occupied eastern territories came forward. Of these 222,000 Jews from the Reich territory who lived to see the end of the war, some emigrated to Israel, Canada, Australia, South America and the USA in the first few years after the war.
In All of Europe
5,600,000 | Jews were in Europe (excluding the Soviet Union) in 1933; |
500,000 | Jews lived in European countries that remained neutral during the war; |
5,100,000 | Jews were therefore exposed to German control. |
Of these, the following emigrated in the years 1933-1945:
120,000 | to England | 5,000 | to Spain and Portugal |
60,000 | to Switzerland | 450,000 | to the United States |
60,000 | to Canada | 225,000 | to South America |
75,000 | to Central America | 60,000 | to China and India |
15,000 | to Australia | 300,000 | to Palestine |
45,000 | to Africa | 25,000 | to Sweden |
That is a total of 1,440,000 people. The partition of Poland and the occupation of Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Bessarabia resulted in the transfer of 1,300,000 Jews to the Soviet Union.
In the German sphere of influence (excluding the later occupied territories of the Soviet Union) remained around
2,350,000 Jews.
286,000 | of them died of natural causes or in air raids or accidents; |
61,000 | died in combat during the regular war and partisan warfare, 18,000, of them in the Warsaw Uprising and 12,000 in the Lviv Uprising; |
8,000 | died in pogroms in the Baltic countries, Poland, Hungary and Yugoslavia; |
10,000 | were sentenced and executed for espionage, partisan activity and sabotage. |
The total number of deaths of European Jewry therefore amounted to
365,000 people.
The total number of survivors is thus
1,985,000 people.
According to the Reich Main Security Office, there were 2,200,000 Jews in the German sphere of influence in October 1944. According to the Allies, they found 2,100,000 Jews when Germany surrendered. The American Palestine Committee estimated 1,600,000 Jews in this area in 1952. No reliable figures are available on the emigration of Jews in the years 1945-1952, but they probably correspond to the above difference.
Not only these sober figures, but also the German-sponsored emigration that continued throughout the war years confirm that the intention of a ‘final solution to the Jewish question’ in the sense of the extermination claimed by the Jews never existed or was even practically implemented. In 1942/43, for example, the Reich government arranged for more than 20,000 Hungarian Jews to emigrate to Switzerland. As early as 1940, several ships carrying Jews left France for Palestine, including the French passenger steamer ‘Patria,’ which, pursued and shot at by British warships, ran aground off Haifa on November 25, 1940 and caught fire, killing 2,875 of the 3,800 Jewish passengers. Between 1941 and 1943, more than 20 emigrant ships left Romanian and Bulgarian ports for Palestine. Six of them were sunk in the eastern Mediterranean, with some of the passengers perishing. In 1944, under difficult transportation conditions, the Reich government evacuated 2,900 Jews to Sweden.
The Jews in the Soviet Union
Around 3,000,000 Jews lived in the Soviet Union before the war. After the partition of Poland and the occupation of the Baltic countries and part of Romania, their number increased by a further 1,300,000. There are only Jewish sources on the fate of these Jews, and they do not all agree. According to the New York Times, 500,000 Jews were resettled in Siberia, and around 450,000 are said to live in the southern Urals. David Berkelman reports that, during the winter of 1941/42 alone, around 1,200,000 Jews froze to death or starved to death on the transports. This information cannot be verified. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that these Jews were not killed by Germans. According to Ohlendorf’s statement before his execution, German Einsatzkommandos are said to have executed 90,000 Jews for partisan activity, sabotage, espionage or aiding and abetting such acts in the course of securing German rearward connections. However, this figure loses value insofar as Ohlendorf was a prisoner of the Allies, and was treated in the same way as the Allies treated their prisoners at the time. There is no doubt that this figure is not too low.
The Great Migration of Jews
The fighting of the war had barely ended when a stream of Eastern Jews poured into Germany and Austria. Some of them came directly from the Soviet territories, many of them had been in Siberia. This migration reached its peak in 1946 and 1947, with more than 1,000 Jews crossing the zone borders every day, on some days up to 10,000 were counted. They stayed for a while, did their business, and then moved on, strongly supported by everyone. At times, there were around one million eastern Jews in West Germany and Austria. The total number of eastern Jews smuggled through German-Austrian territory alone is given by the Jews as 1.5 million and by the Americans as 2 million. Among them was a high percentage of children between the ages of 1 and 5. Officially, these people who left the Soviet area were known as ‘displaced persons,’ but they were popularly referred to as ‘gassed.’ They were blameless and completely ignorant. Behind them lay long, hard years on the runways of the East; they were unfamiliar with concentration camps, with gas chambers and incinerators. They were healthy and fit, and had their eyes on the stock market and the Promised Land. A hardy flock with many children, supplies for Israel.
The Result – A Relieve and Shocking
The ‘gassed’ Jews are still alive and are producing offspring. Despite all the dangers and burdens, internment and migration, the hardships of war and air war, the Jewish population continued to grow.
In 1933, there were 14.2 million Jews in the world,
in 1939, there were 15.6 million and
in 1948, the New York Times confirmed 16.8 to 18.7 million.
This overview, whose figures – with the exception of one – come from Jewish sources that are generally accessible today, reveals the following facts:
- There was no planned JUDEOCIDE.
- In no concentration or internment camp inside or outside Germany existed GAS CHAMBERS, GAS VANS, INCINERATION FURNACES for the extermination of people. All publications about this are forgeries. Pictures and films showed gas vans as they were used by the Wehrmacht for delousing clothes, crematoria as they are common in every large city with a normal capacity, heating systems that were specially prepared for filming after the war, gallows slabs concreted after the war, piles of corpses cut out of German newsreel footage of the victims of the Dresden, Hamburg and Kassel bombing raids, and bone artefacts that were 300 years old. The gold and jewelry found in the Reichsbank branch in Frankfurt did not come from murdered victims, but from people who died in internment.
- The MORTALITY RATE of the Jews was not higher than that of the corresponding age groups of the peoples living in the same area and under the same conditions (Germans, Poles, Soviet Russians).
- The WAR LOSSES of the Jewish people (including partisan warfare, bombing, wartime executions, pogroms in eastern and south-eastern European countries) amount to less than a third of the German losses, a sixth of the Polish losses, and slightly more than a quarter of the Soviet losses. The war losses of Jews do not reach the number of so-called fascists and collaborators murdered by the communists after the war in Italy, France, Belgium and Holland. They do not reach the number of Sudeten Germans murdered by the Czechs. They do not even reach the fifth part of the East Germans murdered by the Soviets during the occupation.
SOURCES:[3] New York Times – Daily Herald – Aufbau/Reconstruction – World Almanac 1942 – World Almanac 1947 – American Jewish Conference – Brockhaus/Knauer – The American Palestine Committee – The Statistical Bureau of Synagogues in the United States – Joint Distributiob Committee – Encyclopedia Britannica – Encyclopedia Universal Illustrada – Dir. Lindeman, New York – Bruno Blau, New York – Paul Goodman – David Berkelman – General Lucius Olay.
[1] | This claim is not true. The most-radical of all revisionist sources on this topic, Ingrid Weckert’s Flashpoint: Kristallnacht 1938 – Instigators, Victims and Beneficiaries (Institute for Historical Review, Newport Beach, Cal., 1991), concedes some 100 victims of the 1938 “Night of Broken Glass.” |
[2] | Few if any of the statistical figures listed are backed up by sources, and contradict both mainstream as well as the best of revisionist findings. See G. Rudolf, “Holocaust Victims: A Statistical Analysis,” in: idem, Dissecting the Holocaust, 3rd ed., Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2019, pp. 175-206 for a juxtaposition of both sides’ best efforts. |
[3] | This scant way of citing sources is basically useless, as it does not permit the reader to verify them. It is amounting to making utterly unfounded claims. |
Bibliographic information about this document: Inconvenient History, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 3; first published in Der Weg, 1954, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 479-487.
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