The Vermont Cynic: Bradley Smith’s Last Campus Project
It is odd how things happen. Sometimes you are waiting for an event, and when you least expect it and have almost forgot what you were waiting for, it blows up in your face. Such is life.

In November 2015, Bradley and I were looking for some way to create a story on campus. We went back to ad insertions in college student newspapers. We decided that his last published book A Personal History of Moral Decay would be what we could submit as a text link. A text link is just a few words, text-only ad, that works as a hyperlink, so when one clicks on the ad, the person is taken to a site. So “A Personal History of Moral Decay” would be the text link that I would submit to various student newspapers, among the list of student newspapers was the Vermont Cynic.
A small problem came up. We couldn’t agree on where this text link should take whoever would click on it to. Bradley thought it was a good idea to send them to one of the stories of Moral Decay; kids would like this, he said, and I did agree about that, but it also implied using his revisionist web site as the designated place for people to visit. This might not be the best idea. Not if we wanted the ad to run in a student newspaper… So I told him we needed to think of another site. Then I suggested using the Amazon page where the book is selling. It was sort of a neutral place, almost kosher, to direct people to. There the reader could find reviews and might be interested in the book, and for the advertising department of the student newspapers this could work too. It would be a bit harder to deny our insertion request. And it could also be a good foil. Well, he went along with this idea with his irrepressible enthusiasm: “you’re a genius, kid”, he said to me over phone.
Well they did run the ad in two student newspapers that accepted the text link: the Daily Iowan and the Vermont Cynic… the ad ran most of last November, December and January and nothing seemed to be happening at either U of Vermont or U of Iowa. No comments. No reaction. Complete silence.
By the middle of January we decided to send a laudatory letter to both papers, praising the student editor-in-chief of each student newspaper for his commitment to free speech and that sort of stuff. It was a letter to the editor to be published of course. Well, they never did, and again nothing happened.
We then copied these letters to everyone on those two campuses, students and academics, and we started a program of mass e-mailing, sending revisionist material. One of those materials sent was Smith’s Report # 219, and I suggested using Eric Hunt’s article on Auschwitz, which refers, as you might already know, to “four holes in the roof of the morgue of Crematorium I at Auschwitz” and the problem of this crematorium as the orthodox Shoah history tells it.
It was just this past Saturday, Feb. 20th, that Germar sent me a link to an article in the Vermont Cynic where an article titled ”Email incites bias reports” reports that “UVM police and the Office of Equal Employment and Opportunity received multiple bias reports filed by students regarding a Feb. 10 email sent to a number of students”
And this article continues by saying:
“The email presents various reasons as to why a particular crematorium at Auschwitz was created post-war.
'As pointed out by many revisionists before, the four holes in the roof of the morgue of Crematorium I at Auschwitz 1 camp do not ‘fit’ the original configuration of the building. In fact, they are centered over the current post-war modified configuration of the room.'”
That was of course Eric Hunt’s article in SR #219 being quoted…
Well, for those who are not familiar with the work of Bradley Smith, this is a small but clear example of what happens when his work hits a campus. And this was his last project. Yes, there is some chaos involved, and it is also intrusive, but it incites students to ask questions; it reminds them of the many holes the Holocaust narrative has and of free inquiry. And it also encourages them, possibly, to ask questions of academics, their professors, who mostly hide behind the guidelines of this fictitious political correctness wall created by those who guard the Shoah and allow the entire subject to be untouched and sacred for all on campus.
The campus project is about rebellion. Rebellion against the establishment which has for long protected a taboo and sacrificed freedom of speech and free exchange of ideas on the Holocaust for their comfort in complying with groups like Hillel who push their orthodox Holocaust narrative down each and every student’s throat.
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