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Hamburg Syndrome 1979-2020

In this 9 minute video, reference is made to a film, The Hamburg Syndrome", which was made in 1979, which is a uncanny T prediction of 2020 and the COVID-19 virus, which spread from a street market in Communist China to the rest of the world in very quick time. The number of deaths world…

Holocaust Deniers Tell the TRUTH

Holocaust Deniers Tell the TRUTH In this 12 minute video, Jim Rizoli, shows that an article on the internet on how to fight "Holocaust denial" is actually of lies, and that it is the "Holocaust deniers" who tell the truth. Apart from smears like that the Insitute of Historical Review is anti-semetic, the article…

Jan Van Pelt Zyklon B Nonsense

In this 14 minute video, Jim Rizoli demolishes the fantasy promoted by Robert van Pelt, a so-called "Holocaust" expert. Van Pelt claims that in the homocidal "gas chamber" the Nazis had installed wire mesh cages in order to prevent the victims from kicking the Zyclon B around or even pushing the Zyclon B back out…

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